Cuba: Meet the new boss, same as the old boss – IOTW Report

Cuba: Meet the new boss, same as the old boss

Lots of talk about change in Cuba but still a communist country.

American Thinker:

In a few weeks, Cuba will have a new leader, or a different guy using Raúl’s corner office.

Unfortunately, it will have the same communist party and economic regime that devastated the island.  This is from the latest party meeting:

The Communist Party of Cuba (PCC) will maintain the “leading role in Cuban society” and socialism will remain “irrevocable” after the Constitution reform, now underway on the island, is concluded this week by the 5th Plenum of the Central Committee of the Communist Party, the only political organization allowed on the Island.

The promised reform of the Electoral Law, announced by Castro in early 2015 to be completed in time this legislature, was not addressed during the 5th Plenary, or at least any discussion of it has not been mentioned by the official press.  MORE

2 Comments on Cuba: Meet the new boss, same as the old boss

  1. Yippee, I needed to order a new Che t-shirt. 🙂

    BREAKING: Pres. Trump said he wants to use the military to secure US-Mexico border until the wall is built, calls it a “big step”. AP

    Cue the Warlords Graham & McCain, who’ll vow to stop, as our military is only for protecting other countries, not our own!


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