Cuban: Kamala’s Capital Gains Tax Plan Would ‘Kill the Stock Market’ – IOTW Report

Cuban: Kamala’s Capital Gains Tax Plan Would ‘Kill the Stock Market’


Billionaire investor Mark Cuban warned Thursday on CNBC’s “Squawk Box” that Vice President Kamala Harris’ capital gains tax plan would “kill the stock market.”

Cuban said, “What I told them is if you tax unrealized gains, you’re going to kill the stock market, and it’s going to be the ultimate employment plan for private equity because companies are not going to go public because you can get whipsawed.”

He added, “Based off the unrealized gains, I would have had to borrow money and I effectively would have been in hawk just to pay my tax bill instead of trying to run my company and a thousand other reasons. They realize that is the issue. I can’t repeat it enough. Even though she is not directly conflicting the Biden tax plan, to her her value proposition is, we need to tax everybody fairly.” more

10 Comments on Cuban: Kamala’s Capital Gains Tax Plan Would ‘Kill the Stock Market’

  1. He’s since changed his tune. I’ve come to realize Mark (Little Dick) Cuban is green with jealousy of Donald J Trump. He’s demonstrating he has zero business sense.
    Same with that midget idiot Anthony Scared of a smoochie.

  2. I never realized that I could pay my unrealized taxes with an unrealized checking account that is currently unrealized because I never deposited the unrealized funds into the account that I have never realized….

  3. willy

    I purchased my house 9 years ago for X. Now on paper it’s worth Xx2. Ultimately that’s what they are after and if you’re old and retired and living on a fixed income they will take your home and boot yo ass onto the street and sell your home and take all the proceeds. It doesn’t take a fortuneteller to figure our were they’re headed with this. Capitalism is under going a multi faceted attack with these Nazis.

  4. azwatergeek
    Saturday, 7 September 2024, 7:14 at 7:14 am
    ‘No matter what. Cuban’s nose will remain jammed up Kammy’s ass.’

    …she prefers different fleshy protuberences jammed into other orifices, at least according to Willie Brown…


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