Cuban officials and Communist Party members can now get U.S. remittances and more – IOTW Report

Cuban officials and Communist Party members can now get U.S. remittances and more

MiamiHerald: With little fanfare, the U.S. government recently amended regulations to allow Cuban government officials and members of the Communist Party to benefit from the softening of sanctions, including receiving cash remittances and other perks.

The new beneficiaries include members of the Cuban Ministry of the Interior (MININT), the Central Committee of the Communist Party (PCC) and other branches of the Cuban government.

The change is part of the new round of regulations announced last week by the Obama administration. Along with measures that attracted widespread attention — such as the removal of the restrictions on the purchase of rum and tobacco by American travelers — this more discreet provision debunks a long-standing policy of prohibiting U.S. transactions with most members of the Cuban government, its political organizations and defense system.

As the updated Cuban Assets Control Regulations now stand, the prohibitions remain only for the members of the Politburo of the PCC, members of the Council of Ministers and high-ranking officials in the Cuban armed forces (FAR).


5 Comments on Cuban officials and Communist Party members can now get U.S. remittances and more

  1. The whole point is to further enrich the communist tyrants. Obola stands in solidarity with tyranny, injustice, corruption, decay, destruction, and mendacity.

    Evil DOES exist … regardless of what the cultists of psychoanalysis and nihilism preach. Many embrace it. Most appear to be powerless against it, or its wiles.

    Socialism is a sordid, hateful “philosophy” that preys on the ignorant and the envious – and is mostly triumphant, even if only in the short term, because it is much easier to elicit a response to jealousy than it is to satisfy that hatred. Obola understands the strengths of hatred, jealousy, envy, and embitterment – and he shares that understanding with HRC, BS, Valerie Jarrett, Geo. Soros, Michael Bloomberg, the Hollyweird nomenklatura, and a host of others – including ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, Disney, &c.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Socialism sucks. Obama sucks. The embargo was placed there under the JFK administration and no sitting president, out of respect, ever lifted it. While it is likely that Obama’s FU policies was his motivation, we don’t have an embargo on Chavez or Venezuela or any other hideous communist country and Castro, now nothing but a walking dead dictator, has not outlived his punishment. It really is time to either lift the embargo or have on for all of the dictator murderous countries.

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