Cummings Oversight replacement,New York Rep. Carolyn Maloney, ‘suffered medical episode’ 10 days ago – IOTW Report

Cummings Oversight replacement,New York Rep. Carolyn Maloney, ‘suffered medical episode’ 10 days ago

American Mirror: The member of Congress tapped to replace Rep. Elijah Cummings as chair of the House Committee on Oversight and Reform recently “suffered a medical episode.”

New York Rep. Carolyn Maloney was in Manhattan when she “suffered a fainting spell” during the public appearance just 10 days ago.


The Daily News published this photo of Maloney slumped over on the bench, and another with medical personnel attending to her.more

24 Comments on Cummings Oversight replacement,New York Rep. Carolyn Maloney, ‘suffered medical episode’ 10 days ago

  1. A bigger question. . .

    Heard on TV Today from a Democrat that unbeknownst to ANYONE in the PUBLIC that Cummings was directing meetings from Hospice care.

    Excuse me?

    Rep. Elijah Cummings was CHAIRMANNING from HOSPICE but nobody is allowed to know to question his mental fitness?

    Do we need a Judge here?

  2. great … another D-rat cryptkeeper

    seriously, these people are like rotting old corpses in a ’60’s Hammer or American International flick, feeding on the harvested limbs & organs of aborted babies

    … which certainly explains the continued existence of RBG

  3. Elijah Cummings death Maryland Democrat
    h.t.t.p.s:// . .

    “Elijah Cummings’ death comes after procedure kept him away from office for weeks.”

    The Maryland Democrat died at Gilchrist Hospice Care after multiple weeks and unknown mental capacity when Drafting, Issuing, and Serving Subpoenas, from a Judicial Oversight vantage point.

  4. Carolyn Maloney
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Born in Greensboro, North Carolina. She attended Greensboro College. After graduating, she visited New York City in 1970 and decided to stay.

    For several years, she worked as a teacher and an administrator for the New York City Board of Education.
    Nicholas Kristof said “No one has been a greater champion than Carolyn Maloney” in the fight against human trafficking.

    End Wiki

    “Where are the BABIES?”


  5. …she only fainted because the legion of demons, with which EVERY Democrat is filled, realized she was about to get a job where they could ACTUALLY cause some damage instead of just listening to this bint talk about her feelz, and they all rushed to take over her brain at once because it’s SO small, there’s only room for ONE, and the resultant struggle overwhelmed her until one won, probably Jezebeth, the demon of falsehoods that preys on the angry and weak, THAT one seems the strongest in Democrats everywhere…


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