Cuomo and de Blasio are dangerous idiots – IOTW Report

Cuomo and de Blasio are dangerous idiots

Patriot Retort: Have you ever seen two more disgusting politicians than Andrew Cuomo and Bill de Blasio?  Honestly, these guys aren’t just idiots; they are dangerous idiots.

For several years, the New York Metropolitan area has been suffering from an epidemic of anti-Semitic hate crimes largely perpetrated by blacks.  But Cuomo and de Blasio are too busy blaming white supremacists and President Trump to actually do anything to stop it.

Way to pass the buck you cretins.

No wonder New York is in the toilet with corrupt, incompetent idiots like Cuomo and de Blasio in charge.

But it isn’t just those two politicians.  It’s the whole stinking lot of them in Albany and New York City.

The Democrats finally got their wish and took complete control of Albany.  And when they’re not trying to ban single-use grocery bags, they’re passing a “no bail” law that releases dangerous suspects on an unsuspecting populace.

The law doesn’t go into effect until tomorrow, but already prosecutors and judges are acting on it. more

14 Comments on Cuomo and de Blasio are dangerous idiots

  1. The more that politicians are allowed to dodge accountability for their actions the more of these types of lowlife trash slither into office.
    Whats the worse that ever happens to any of them?, they get fired and waddle away with their pockets stuffed with public dollars.

  2. I’m convinced that only a severe backlash will put the brakes on this trend. Think in terms of the violent overthrow of Ceausescu.
    It isn’t likely to happen with the stranglehold the left has on the New York vote.

  3. They’re idiots from our side’s perspective, but they’re hero’s to the other side from theirs.

    There ain’t no reconciliation for those two opposing beliefs, so be ready as things come to a head between them soon.

    There’s a showdown on the way, an unpleasant one, and I believe it will be be arriving sooner rather than later. Don’t let it take you by surprise, and be especially careful about letting yourself think you will somehow escape its consequences.

  4. Both would be total Mussolini style fascists if they got the chance.

    Being as human as the rest of you, I long to see justice done now. But this world is Satan’s; God says that, for now, Satan is the god of this world system. That’s why things are as they are. That also means it will be rare if ever that we see justice for the arrogant wicked, who go from strength to strength.

    But God’s justice does not sleep. It will come. It will be as terrible as it is awesome and none of the wicked shall escape.



  5. We must have a different definition of “idiot.”

    People who take over Cities and States, extort $Millions, institute policies inimical to the voters who elect them, and so craft those governments that they stay out of jail and, more importantly, out of the hangman’s noose, aren’t “idiots” in my calculus.

    It doesn’t do well to underestimate them.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Tim: I agree and prefer evil, wicked, vile, and treasonous versus the far too kind “idiot” term for the Democrats.

    The Democrat party has moved so far left that it supports murder by abortion and every sex perversion out there.

    It is now a contest of good versus straight up evil. They will not win, even if it only occurs on Judgment Day.

  7. @gin blossom, Apparently back-up forces are being implemented–not just for New York–to counter resistance.

    The UN Is Hiring English-Speaking DISARMAMENT OFFICERS in New York
    Daisy Luther
    JANUARY 1, 2020
    As the Second Amendment conflict heats up across the United States, here’s another “crazy conspiracy theory” that has turned out to be true.

    The United Nations is hiring in New York. What positions are they trying to fill?


    This job was posted the day after Christmas. So for all the folks who have been saying “nobody is trying to take your guns” you might want to read this job listing and reconsider your opinion.

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