Cuomo annoys Sarah Sanders – IOTW Report

Cuomo annoys Sarah Sanders

DC: Sarah Sanders Wipes The Floor With CNN’s Chris Cuomo.

White House press secretary Sarah Sanders knocked CNN’s Chris Cuomo on Thursday and accused his network of reporting opinion rather than the news.

Sanders touted the strong economy and President Trump’s recent legislation benefiting veterans during an interview with Cuomo, and Cuomo wondered if the president’s contention with the media is sustainable.

“Do you think that by saying, ‘We stink,’ that we don’t like veterans, that we are bad for America, the president says we are enemies of America, do you think that that works for you long-term?” Cuomo asked.

“What I think is important to remember is that you guys get to ask the questions, but you can’t always complain about the answers,” Sanders shot back. “You constantly ask the same question over and over and over again and expect different answers and then get mad when the answers don’t change.”

Sanders continued to criticize CNN and alleged that they have avoided reporting the news in order to constantly attack the president. MORE/video.

11 Comments on Cuomo annoys Sarah Sanders

  1. Sarah Sanders is doing a yoeman’s job as Press Secretary. I cannot help but feel that the constant barrage of bullshit from the likes of April Ryan, Jam Acosta, and in this case Fredo Cuomo, along with the insults from so called comedians, will take a toll on this fine lady. I feel she should be rotated out after a certain period for health reasons.
    BTW. Mark your calendar: Sarah’s Birthday is August 13th, “Victory over Japan Day.”

  2. Joe6pac: She went on the show to defend President Trump’s accomplishments over 500 days but Fredo made it all about “his job.”
    Phuck him! But he wants her to come back “anytime.” Now if I were Sarah, I’d ignore the POS.

  3. I think Pres Trump & Sara should treat CNN like they did Kim Jong Un – ignore them or yank their press credentials.
    It is amazing how his rhetoric calmed down after Trump cancelled the meeting

  4. Chris Koo-Ahh-Moe
    is nothing but a cheap shill for his grandfather
    whose organized crime connections
    kept him from being presidential material
    but did not prevent him being governor of NY.

    Hey, wudjia expect from NYC ?!

    This is all a prelude for Andie-baby
    to seek the presidency
    you’re not supposed to know of his
    organized crime connections .


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