Reality bites…
ALBANY – Gov. Cuomo is backing off a key element of his much-heralded gun-control law of 2013, the NY SAFE Act.
In a major concession to Senate Republicans and new Senate Majority Leader John Flanagan (photo), the Cuomo administration has agreed to suspend development of a troubled statewide database of ammunition sales. The agreement also gives Flanagan a veto over the database’s future development.
“This is a clear victory for Second Amendment rights in New York,” said Sen. James Seward (R-Oneonta). The NRA, in a statement, also applauded the moveas a way “to restore a degree of sanity after the SAFE Act’s over-the-top demonization of lawful New York gun owners.”
Conceived as a way to track ammunition sales and provide for background checks of purchasers, the database has been a technical headache. more
What a putz. And the guy has one of the worst speaking voices I’ve ever heard.
Has that guy got a coat hanger stuck
in his mouth or what?
Andy! New York deserves you!
Got Graft?
Got Corruption?
Get Andy!
The Best Politician Money Can Buy!
I may be overly optimistic, but have the feeling that the left has overplayed their hand and have pulled WAY TOO FAR BACK on their slingshot. Let’s pray that most Americans have enough of being pushed around by these freaks, and that 2016 blows up in their faces.
Speaking of faces, Cuomo’s would look best in a pink Prius.
Would you buy a pink prius from this man?
He looks like a shifty car salesman.
Craven politician. This is a “clear victory” the same way that fixing an ingrown toenail is a victory even though the patient has terminal lung cancer.
Are you serious? This restores “a degree of sanity” like getting Charles Manson to admit he regrets putting the swastika on his forehead.
I think Cuomo backed off his plan to regulate ammo sales because too many people told him that if he did then ammo buyers were planning to “regulate” him. If you catch my drift.
How many teeth does that fool have in his mouth???
Couldn’t happen to a more corrupt guy …
Is that The Joker from the new Batman movie?
No seriously… How many teeth? We average 32 teeth, right? I think Cuomo has 32 just on top!
What does that picture remind me of? I’m sure it on the tip of my … OH! Flying Monkeys!
Here, it’s the smile:
I think I’ve seen him before. Didn’t he star in “JAWS”?
Cuomo never backs off the front of a man!