Cuomo Blasts New York Sheriffs Who Won’t Enforce His Thanksgiving Restrictions – IOTW Report

Cuomo Blasts New York Sheriffs Who Won’t Enforce His Thanksgiving Restrictions

Headline News-

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo blasted several sheriffs in his state who announced they would not enforce his strict coronavirus restrictions over Thanksgiving.

“I don’t believe as a law enforcement officer you have a right to pick and choose what laws you will enforce,” Cuomo said Wednesday during a press conference.

“It is, frankly, frightening to me as an individual, frightening to democracy. It’s arrogant, and it violates your constitutional duty,” he said.

Cuomo signed an executive order earlier this month capping Thanksgiving celebrations at 10 people to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

Several sheriffs across the state, however, said they would not enforce this restriction, calling it “unconstitutional” and unenforceable. read more

29 Comments on Cuomo Blasts New York Sheriffs Who Won’t Enforce His Thanksgiving Restrictions

  1. “It is, frankly, frightening to me as an individual, frightening to democracy. It’s arrogant, and it violates your constitutional duty,” he said.”

    Was the Guido born here or in Sicily? How can a MoFo be an elected Governor and be so stupid about our country.

  2. “I don’t believe as a law enforcement officer you have a right to pick and choose what laws you will enforce,” Cuomo said…

    So, Cuomo, when did the legislature pass this LAW as you call it?

  3. What would Cuomo know about America?
    First. We don’t live in a dictatorship.
    Second. We don’t suffer in a democracy. Mob rule.
    Third. We live in a constitutional republic.
    Try to educate yourself about the country that you live in.
    What a retard.

  4. Cuomo:

    I don’t believe as a law enforcement officer you have a right to pick and choose what laws you will enforce.

    Absolute horse shit. There are so many local, state, and federal laws, and they change so frequently, that it isn’t even possible to read all of them, much less create and implement enforcement procedures.

    There exists such a large body of law, and sheriffs and police departments have such limited resources, that not picking and choosing which ones to enforce is not just impossible, it’s unthinkable.

    Cuomo knows this, of course, so his lying blather is 100% deceitful.

  5. Uh, I hate to inform you, Mario, but picking and choosing what laws to enforce, arrogance and violating the Constitution are what Democrats like you do every damn day. That’s your party, and actually that’s you.

    So shut the fuck up.

  6. Didn’t Cuomo put his hand on the Bible and take an oath to uphold laws also? 🤔
    Seems to me he’s broken law’s himself, for starters where’s the outrage of the thousands of senior citizens left to die in nursing homes because of his asinine policies.

    The sickening part is he will never be held accountable for his actions. 🤬

  7. Mario the last time people who followed your rules killed hundreds in nursing homes. Did they give you an Emmy for that too???? Asking for a dead senior citizen who died because of you!!

  8. Miss Kitty, he will be held accountable.

    Reminds me of Dickens…

    “”Man,” said the Ghost, “if man you be in heart, not adamant, forbear that wicked cant until you have discovered What the surplus is, and Where it is. Will you decide what men shall live, what men shall die? It may be that, in the sight of Heaven, you are more worthless and less fit to live than millions like this poor man’s child.””

  9. What a phony and hypocrite: But it’s ok for the governor of a state to disobey federal laws that don’t appeal to him. like releasing violent illegal aliens from custody. What a disgrace!

  10. …I would expect this pisshead to get a police-looking badge with a bas relief of an Emmy on it so he could pretend his worthless award makes him boss of people with ACTUAL badges who actually EARNED them, and expect them to be impressed…

  11. Sheriff’s are sworn to uphold and defend the constitution, not unconstitutional dictates from a governor who violates the constitution.

    This, in my opinion, falls along the same path as a soldier who refuses to follow an illegal order from a superior.

  12. Actually, they CAN pick and choose fluff rules. It’s called discretion.

    Ever get let go on a speeding ticket? Loitering? Jaw walking? Smacking the heck out of a dozen antifa?

    Ok. That last one may not have happened yet, but it’s coming.

  13. The sheriff of Sacramento County says he won’t enforce Newsom’s dictates.
    We can meet at the state capital for a curfew breaking party Sunday night at 10:00.

    Brad – See you there?

  14. All Too Much
    You know I’m tempted to attend. What keeps me from attending is that I would need to unstrap. It’s against the law to Conceal Carry at a public demonstration. So I might be there. But I’ll be a spectator off in the fringe. And strapped. I’ll be the second gun shot you hear. And I don’t miss.

    AND your opinion is absolutely correct. Enemies foreign and domestic, uphold that pesky document, the Constitution. There’s no scenario where this doesn’t end up in Nation Wide violence. Eyes twitch. Arm up.


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