Cuomo: If I Had To Do It All Over Again, I Wouldn’t Kill 11,000 Seniors – IOTW Report

Cuomo: If I Had To Do It All Over Again, I Wouldn’t Kill 11,000 Seniors


And they say Cuomo doesn’t have a soul.

He has a soul. It’s black and evil as midnight. But there’s still a spot of tarnish on it somewhere.

Cuomo also acknowledged that mistakes were made in his initial handling of the virus. New York sent seniors recovering from COVID to nursing homes, where thousands caught the virus and died.

CBS whitewashes it.

Cuomo signed an order compelling nursing homes to accept coronavirus patients. Over 6,000 were sent to nursing homes. Some of those homes were substandard. The death toll among seniors in nursing homes in New York may be 11,000.

This isn’t sloppiness on CBS’ part. If this involved President Trump or a Republican, you’d better believe all the information I laid out would be there and in the top paragraph, instead of getting a ways through the article while letting Cuomo do his passive voice “mistakes were made” shtick.

“There’s no doubt that we learned lessons,” Cuomo said. “The virus preyed on the weak and it preyed on people in nursing homes and most of the lives lost, the single greatest percentage is in nursing homes. And that’s true all across the country. And there’s also no doubt that we’re in this hyper-political environment so everybody wants to point fingers. New York, actually, we’re number 46 out of 50 in terms of percentage of deaths in nursing homes — 46 out of 50. So, yes, people died in nursing homes. Yes, we’ve learned a lot of lessons, but 46 out of 50, it’s not a predominantly New York problem. If we had to do it all over again … I would do things differently.”

It’s nice of Cuomo to suggest that if he had to do it over again, he wouldn’t kill 11,000 seniors. He’s a real prince of a man, our Cuomo.

Of course it’s all preceded by a deranged word salad.  MORE

16 Comments on Cuomo: If I Had To Do It All Over Again, I Wouldn’t Kill 11,000 Seniors

  1. Soooooo … ?

    When is he gonna be charged with negligent homicide?
    Along with the nursing home maggots who got tax preferences for keeping their fucking mouths shut?

    THIS is why elections matter! THIS is yet another example of being “above the law.” I guess Barr doesn’t see that all these dead people had their “civil rights” violated? He can’t see the conspiracy necessary to deprive these people of their lives and liberties?

    He and Durham need to pull their fingers out of each other’s asses and tear themselves away from the kiddie-porn on the DoJ computers.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. So, a guy who writes a book about his “amazing” handling of the COVID situation admits he f’ed up on how he handled it?

    Life as a leftist is like having everything on easy mode, you can basically admit to genociding your elders and make millions and claim to be a solid leader and still have the media blowing you at every opportunity.


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