Cuomo nursing home scandal is ‘an impeachable offense’ – IOTW Report

Cuomo nursing home scandal is ‘an impeachable offense’

Let’s get this party started, quickly!

FOX: New York State Assemblyman Ron Kim – who said Gov. Andrew Cuomo threatened to ruin his career for speaking out against his mishandling of the nursing home crisis during the coronavirus pandemic – is now calling for Cuomo to face impeachment.

“Cuomo abused his powers to hide life and death information from the Department of Justice that prevented lawmakers from legislating – like fully repealing corporate immunity for nursing homes. That is an impeachable offense,” Kim wrote on Twitter on Monday. more

SNIP: Shit, or get off the pot!!!

7 Comments on Cuomo nursing home scandal is ‘an impeachable offense’

  1. I’ve thought for a long time that a whole lot of what the left has been doing has to do with their plans for population reduction. Nursing homes, untested vaccines etc. Call me a conspiracy theorist if you want, but I even think the global warming scam is part of it. Get everyone to plan for global warming when they actually believe we’re going into a mini ice age (decreased solar output.)

  2. So … mass murder is “impeachable?”

    New York must be the home of every fuckin Nazi, Communist, Socialist, izlamic, totalitarian murderous monster on Earth!

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Why was Cuomo allowed to practice medicine without a license on thousands?? Why does NYS have a health department that standby political medical decisions by Non-doctors??


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