Cuomo Quits – IOTW Report

Cuomo Quits

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo resigns

 Dareh Gregorian

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced Tuesday he was resigning after a withering report from the state’s attorney general alleged he’d sexually harassed multiple women leading to calls from top Democrats, including President Joe Biden, that he step down.

“And I think that given the circumstances the best way I can help now is if I step aside and let government get back to government, and therefore that is what I’ll do, because I work for you, and doing the right thing, is doing the right thing for you,” Cuomo said.

He announced he’ll leave office in 14 days while continuing to insist that he did nothing wrong.

Lt. Gov. Kathy Hochul, a Democrat, will serve the rest of his term, and will be the state’s first female governor. more

40 Comments on Cuomo Quits

  1. This is similar to what they did in Oregon; corrupt incumbent resigns so his Lt. (Kunt Brown) can become the new incumbent and be a shoe-in at the next election. Old democrat trick, been doing it for decades with judges.

  2. He’s a quitter!!!!!!!


    He’s nothing but a quitter!!!!!!

    I’m going to keep calling him that, parodying the assholish left and the treatment they gave Sarah Palin after forcing her to resign in the face of relentless lawsuits.

  3. Meanwhile Chrisis still on his paid vacation to Bejing for a refresher course in the proper art of Chinese dick-sucking (no slurping or belching) while performing Hack Squats on a Rogue Donkey!
    Now every year is the Year of the Cock for Fredo!

  4. Wouldn’t it be rich if Cuomohole turns around and starts blasting pervert Joe ??

    Vindication is a useful bitch.
    I hope he’s pissed off and wants to retaliate against biden and the ho/camel, mayor wilmhelm, the media, fauxi ….. GO FOR IT ANDY, they mistreated you! Who do they think they are ?!

  5. “…and will be the state’s first female governor.”

    …THAT should accelerate the slide into the Styginan pits quite nicely, if you think about how well chicks are doing running Blue cities and states these days, plus ANY criticism will me “misogyny”, so don’t ask her tough questions or you’ll be cancelled as a sexist…


  6. …no help is on the horizon, New York, sorry…

    “Kathleen Courtney Hochul is an American lawyer and politician serving as lieutenant governor of New York since 2015. She served as the U.S. representative for New York’s 26th congressional district from 2011 to 2013.”

    “Lieutenant Governor Kathy Hochul will continue standing up for progressive values, fighting for all New Yorkers, and taking on the harmful policies of Donald Trump and Republicans in Washington. Kathy has served at all levels of government and is dedicated to public service.”

    ..she even LOOKS like San Fran Nan, good luck with that…

  7. It’s a darn shame …
    A shame he gets to live.
    A shame he gets his pension.
    A shame he’s not in prison.

    A greedy, lying, conniving, corrupt, POS, greasy, murdering SOB gets a free pass for “resigning” and will live out his life in luxury that few can afford.

    No serious repercussions for the connected.

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. CNN program planning session:

    Zucker: You need a break till I figure a way to blame bro’ Nipple Rings stupidity and licentiousness on Trump. Take a week off, we’ll tell the 16 people that watch your show that its a birthday vacation or some such BS.
    Fredo: What’s gonna be the replacement, Zuck?
    Zucker: I’m thinking Toobin. Great ratings just from jerking-off.
    Fredo: You gonna have him spend one hour just jerking-off, Zuck?
    Zucker: No, I’ve got a better idea. Not just Toobin…we’ll have Cooper, Lemon, The Potato, Acosta and a couple others, do the same thing, all in a big circle. They’ll love it, the 16 trannys watching will love it and it will be great for ratings.
    Fredo: Zuck, you are a genius. I can’t understand why NBC dumped you.
    Zucker: And you know the best part about that circle? Do you know, Fredo my boy?
    Fredo: No Suck*. What?
    Sucker: I am going to be in the center of that circle!
    (Fredo thinking to himself, “I sure hope he doesn’t wear a blue suit”)

    *Sorry, S and Z are very close on the keyboard

  9. As he stated, running Government is a matter of life and death. He covered the death part with his poor leadership. If the “ me too”movement removes him,that’s fine. I just wish his handling of the pandemic would have kicked him out sooner. Complete loser. His brother too

  10. Holy cow! I said on here about a week ago that Cuomo would survive this. Boy, was I wrong!Had Buck & Clay on the radio today when it was announced live that he had resigned. Every person on the job site literally stopped what they were doing to listen. I’m sure the joy will be short lived, as we all know that Leticia James will step in. She nuttier than Cuomo, but checks all of the right boxes in the Democrats minds. Or what passes for minds.


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