Cuomo ready to run if Hillary or Bernie doesn’t take White House – IOTW Report

Cuomo ready to run if Hillary or Bernie doesn’t take White House

More teeth than a Bull Shark.

“It’s not just a New York agenda; this is a national agenda,’’ declared Cuomo.

“We want to get this done in New York for New York, but then we are going to take this justice agenda, this fairness agenda, and we are going to say to this nation, ‘We did it in New York. You can do it anywhere in this country,’ ’’ Cuomo said.  — More at NYPost.

25 Comments on Cuomo ready to run if Hillary or Bernie doesn’t take White House

  1. I thought you had to apply by a certain date? Wasn’t aware that you could just willy-nilly jump in when ever you want to. That’s how the dems made it sound anyway – until they want to do it, I guess.

  2. The leftist halfwit should stay in New York. He fits right in there with the other lead paint chip eaters. The culturally and intellectually superior people here in flyover country don’t tolerate lying, leftist dunces like him very well.

  3. “It’s not just a New York agenda; this is a national agenda,’’

    “It’s not just a New York agenda; this is a national SOCIALIST agenda,’’

    Fixed it for ya … you’re welcome.

  4. What IS it with the socialist New Yawkers thinking they want to run the country (into the ground).
    First it was Bloomin’Idiot, him with the sodas and the sugar and the Mayors Against Legal Guns.
    Now it’s Cuomo, him with the midnight passage of the not-so-SAFE Act.

  5. Oh yeah, the rest of the country will LOVE NY’s ridiculous pain in the ass prescription drug law that has turned pain management clinics into pill mills that don’t even bother examining their patients anymore because they are too busy collecting urine for mandatory drug tests cuz suffering chronic debilitating pain conditions is like totes the same as being a heroin junkie. The rest of the country will LOVE it when Cuomo tells them that they don’t belong here if they are pro life or support the 2nd Amendment.
    He only got re-elected thanks to the moonbats in NYC, btw, he lost in most of the rest of the state.

    And how IS it that he or Joey Biden can run in the D party now anyway? Do they not need to win primary elections? And if that’s the case, why do shrillary or heartbern have to compete in those things?

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