Cuomo Set Up 3 Layers of Security at State Capitol for ‘Violent’ MAGA Supporters – Nobody Showed Up but Liberal Reporters – IOTW Report

Cuomo Set Up 3 Layers of Security at State Capitol for ‘Violent’ MAGA Supporters – Nobody Showed Up but Liberal Reporters

Gateway Pundit:

Governor Cuomo set up three layers of security around the state capitol in Albany this past week in anticipation of an “armed MAGA protest.”

But nobody showed up.
Only reporters were there.
It was just more fake news by the media.

40 Comments on Cuomo Set Up 3 Layers of Security at State Capitol for ‘Violent’ MAGA Supporters – Nobody Showed Up but Liberal Reporters

  1. Conservatives are too busy working, which I believe we should all STOP for 30 days, if you can afford it, to send a message to the Takers of society.
    Grow you own food & fix your own machines you tweeting welfare Citiots.

  2. A) There was never any white nationalist plan to attack 50 state capitals at the same time. That rumor was put out by the FBI to justify martial law. The “riot” was little more than a high school field trip that got out of control.

    B) In all fairness, those liberal reporters that showed up do have some violent, anti-American ideas about attacking the civilian population.

    Best to shoot them just to be safe.

  3. Can’t be too careful with the Coup without a Clue narrative. Have to be careful that the Insurrectionists and Coup Plotters don’t get burned from being too close to the Reichstags when they are burning.

  4. Dipshits of the IOTW Report Echo-chamber:

    While you guys sit around commiserating and licking each others bloody holes from the hosing we got at what point are you going to ask yourselves who now gives a shit and why is this website still up?

    They WON. They will now NEVER EVER lose. If they can steal a presidential election and two senate seats (plus God knows how many more they did and apparently have been doing it for some time) in broad daylight in front of millions and get away with it we are seriously and completely FUCKED.

    I hope neutered arm chair quarterbacks like “Brad” who “Gobbles the Goo” about “trusting the plan” and that “Gen Flynn “knows where all the bodies are” bullshit have finally woke up from their feverish masturbation sessions concerning those previous statements and realize that there will be no insurrection act, there will be no large armed up rising, there will be no mass boycotts of social media platforms or liberal companies because conservatives have been utterly pussified, feminized and have devolved into a bunch of limp- wristed, sunken-chested gaping manginas.

    Sadly, much of this falls directly in the lap of the “turn the other cheek” & “I’m a citizen of a different country” *Christians* that have polluted the true church and the conservative movement. This ideology was likely planted by the left to begin with as part of their long reaching disinformation campaign that they have been running against us from the beginning.

    Do you ever wonder why pastors like Charles Stanley (AKA Hezekiah) et al. completely avoided preaching about the evils of a invasive vindictive socialist government over the last few years? John MacArthur made a half hearted attempt at defending Trump and free speech. But damn few if any other preachers or “teachers” made ANY kind of public stand. The reasons are the previous paragraph.

    See when you are a citizen of a different country (i.e. heaven) the following do NOT matter:

    1. The first Amendment & Free speech: Because God can cause the one true to church to thrive in any environment. Free speech is not needed to advance the kingdom of God.

    2. The 2nd Amend: Because God will protect those he wants to protect and the others will be glorious martyrs. Besides guns have become idols that conservs worship.

    3. The indoctrination, feminization, homsexualization and purposeful gender confusion of your children. The damage to your children doesn’t matter because God will call out of those lifestyles the ones that he wants to save.

    4. Borders: We are all people of the world and God will protect those he wants to protect so you can let foreigners run rough-shod all over you and take you money and resources and change the demographics and culture of your home country.

    5. Private property: Not needed because we don’t really live here and you were born naked and naked to the grave you will return, so you can’t really take it with you so why own anything?

    6. Taxes: It is ok to work to death and pay everything back in taxes because you know: “Render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s and unto God what is God’s”.

    It is so easy to abdicate all of your responsibilities under the guise to “citizens of another country” canard. I hear this all the time and I swear I will shoot one of these people in the face quicker than I would a leftist.

    So IOTW Reporters who have always just sat around just bitching & fingering your holes, it is over, go home, don’t waste your time here because this platform is on borrowed time. You should have been active and doing something the past several years. Clicking a website and giving each other reach-around Tweets accomplished NOTHING. The left knows this and is laughing their asses off at you because of it. They were more organized, better funded, and WILLING to do what it took in their eyes to get the prize. So now g and prepare yourselves for the complete fleecing we will get. Be sure to study the Word of God so you don’t go to your graves falling for secularized BS any longer.

  5. FukkYouAll & EatShitAndDie

    So, exactly why are you here? Why do we bother you to the point that you feel you need to write something like that. You don’t seem very happy. Suicide is an option.

  6. Dear Fukk…
    I certainly understand your frustration and depression.
    Many of us on this blog feel we’ve been wasting years and banging our heads against the wall.

    The solution? Beats me.

    Regroup and run against Republican squishes. Wars are won one battle at a time.

    I think I may well run for office.

    If I am joined by 534 others we might save the country.

    Am I fighting off a wave of depression? You bet.

    Am I ready to quit? No way.

    Stiff upper lip, mate.

  7. The “Armed Protests” are a F**king lie told by the FBI to start trouble. Thankfully only a tiny fraction of patriots are stupid enough to believe them. Don’t near any Federal or State government buildings on the 20th. It is a set up.

  8. I am still unsure about the way forward.

    But I sure would be happy if a bunch of IOTWarriors threw
    hats in the ring. I am so tired of the squishes.

    I will decide about running soon. The idea causes me palpatipations.

  9. @F.U.E.S.andDie.

    Rebuttal point by point:

    1)Free Speech – A guy named Moses practiced free speech

    2) God helps those who help themselves. The Maccabees (you pussy)

    3) I do not know of any religion that says “do not worry about raising the children and endorses gender dysphoria. Too many places to reference. I will protect the children with knowledge & wisdom. Drugs, perpetual welfare, hedonism, etc BAD!

    4) The Kingdom has a boarder. Pete at the Pearly Gates. There is a fee and Cowardice is not listed as one of them.

    5) Private property. Shepherd herded, Farmers grew, Its kind of how civilization stays alive. I do not see where starvation is required.

    6) Taxes. Waste & unreasonably high taxes are what piss people off. When more of your efforts go towards Taxation than financial independence thus making the payer of the taxes a victim who ultimately becomes dependent on the system that overtaxed them, THIS IS WRONG.

    I am NO BIBLE expert. My church is now run by A communist Pedo. Your church apparently believes that you should sit on your ass and WAIT. My wife’s religion/people have been waiting 5,000 plus years & still refuses to eat a Pork Chop (not her, she is solid). It is their military and Mossad that protect them. Those are the tools that God gave them and they choose to pick up those tools.

    Others here are way more intelligent than me.

  10. Kcir – good job. Jesus believes in private property as he tells us he is preparing a ‘mansion’ for us. A mansion would indicate private property is important to Jesus.

  11. Jesus, why don’t these “nattering nabobs of negativity”* write their wills out already?

    Fukkyouall is the classic impotent fattie sitting behind a keyboard. “WHAT!?!?! BIDEN STOLE THE ELECTION!?!? WHY DIDN’T YOU ALL PROTECT ME!?!?!?”

    Blah blah blah. Again, write out you will, name me as heir to whatever crappy import you drive and drink a draino milkshake.

    Because you’re a quitter. You give up when the going gets tough. You have no spine, no heart, no real brain. What good are you doing spewing your own insecurities and life failures at us? None.

    Yes my friend, you need to die. It’s your only hope. With tears streaming down your face and snot running down your nose, you need to die whimpering like the craven, cowardly dog that you are.

    On the up side, I’ll be using your vehicles for some sweet 30 foot jumps I built.

    *hat tip to Spiro Agnew

  12. FYA&ESAd

    You have a few valid points namely identifying some of the problems we’re all up against.
    What you have completely wrong is the direction you’re aiming.

  13. @ FukkYouAll & EatShitAndDie

    Your anger and “fear” is apparent to us all. We’re living the nightmare as well.
    You can lash out, you can surrender, or live to fight another day…or not.

    Personally I’ve no idea what tomorrow brings, much less the next 4 years, but one thing for certain, they can’t steal your peace (of mind) unless you surrender that too. YOU still have THAT choice.

  14. No, he/she has no choice. Their entire life has led inexorably to this moment. The moment where they name me heir in their will and then drink a draino milkshake.

    It can’t be stopped.

  15. Well here comes the impotent saggy balled sparse-gray-pubed crowd led by Brad and his circle-jerk buddies including multiple Ray-Ray. They sit around on their computers with their mouse in one hand and a bottle of extra strength Viagra that doesn’t work for them in the other.

    They talk shit on IOTW and let the rest of us do the heavy lifting. They could not be bothered to go to their reps office and wait there to talk to them. Write letters to the RNC, reps and the opposition. Write letters and call Lindsey Graham, Grassley, Nunes or Jordan. Go to TV stations to argue about content. Go to rallies and financially support the president like I did all the while trying to keep a business afloat.

    Oh no, these Q-Tards sit in their single wide trailers (like the real Q’s in Jersey) and stick extra large studded butt plugs in their asses and back-clap each other about how Trump is winning at 5th dimensional chess he is playing with the Deep State.

    People talk about running for office and have no chance against a gamed system. Ray Ray talks about others committing suicide but he’ll be first to kick the chair out from under him when they take his food stamps away.

    No fucking wonder people on this site think that gallows were being built on the WH lawn to hang the treasonous Dems. We need a new breed of conservative if we are going to win and it sure the fuck ain’t coming from here. You guys wouldn’t even make decent dog food let alone Soylent Green.

  16. Burr and Brad when you guys play Obama and Michelle together, which one of you is Obama and which is Michelle in bed?? Maybe IOTW Report could have a contest!!

  17. Wow that’s some really weak shit.

    Let me try one. Whens the last time you actually viewed your penis with out the use of a mirror loser.
    Now go wash Burrs car little bitch.

  18. No….no…. muh truck cab is off while I install new cab mounts all around…..don’t need anybody washing anything.

    That’s why I needs FukkYou’s bitch mobile. See, we built these sweet dirt ramps big enough for a car….but all we’ve done is jump little 250s off it so far.

    Now, Fukky is pretty mad and full of angst and poorly digested sour patch kids gummie candy. All this emotional anguish is playing hell with his internal organs, his aura, all of his chakra points as well as his blood pressure.

    Dudes bound to spolde’. He won’t need his bitch wagon anymore.
    That’s why I’m here to help. Once he drinks his draino McFlurry I can guarantee automotive immortality for his ride.

    Or at least as long as his prius lasts being jumped over dirt ramps by some meth head cedar billies.

  19. Brad!!! You’re back!! Was Hannity on with one of his patented Tick Tocks to distract you for a while?? Please tell us for whom and what the Tick Tock tolls!!!

  20. I wonder where FukkYouAll & EatShitAndDie came from. Comes right out of the clear blue sky and launches targeted strikes. So far he is gaining as good a reputation as that starfish guy, but for different reasons.


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