Cuomo the Elder: Joe Has What It Takes to Be Your President – IOTW Report

Cuomo the Elder: Joe Has What It Takes to Be Your President


Diogenes’ Middle Finger: New York Gov. Cuomo the Elder (D-NY) the second generation, coattail riding, liberal BS artist said that former Vice President Joe Biden is the most credible of all the potential unannounced Democratic presidential candidates that may will be running in 2020.

“The main issue for Democrats is not going to be the articulation of the negative, it is going to be the articulation of the positive, and credibility. Of all the names that are out there, I think Joe Biden has the best case … because he brings most of the secret ingredient you need for a Democrat, which is credibility.”

“You don’t hire an airline pilot who hasn’t flown a plane. Where is the credibility in your argument? Joe Biden can say, ‘I was there. I was not the president, but I was the second seat.”

Yes, and we know oh so well that Joe Biden is to many, like the Hollywood crowd. a favorite. Kinda like America’s Special Child. But we also see why he should be the perpetual democrat front runner. Biden’s service as Vice President and his qualifications as a leader were well documented by us and many other over the two terms of Barky Obama. We do not blame Biden’s advice for failure after failure of Obama.  MORE HERE

8 Comments on Cuomo the Elder: Joe Has What It Takes to Be Your President

  1. If the “election” of Obola proved nothing else – it proved that no level of incompetence, no level of treason, no level of corruption is an impediment to attaining the Office of the Presidency.
    On the socialist/totalitarian side, Biden is probably the best choice – easily manipulable and dumb as a rock.

    Give him ice cream and pictures of naked little girls and he’ll remain quiet.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. 50 years of gov service and poor ole plugs hasn’t even found a way to be filthy rich like most gov hacks. Better get on the qualifying videos of making his favorite pasta, drinking his favorite beer, and dancing to his favorite boy band.

  3. To evaluate the claim the Joey is the most credible, we must know to whom or what he’s being compared. If he’s being compared to a bag of used cat litter, a discarded pet rock, and a road-kill armadillo, then maybe he could win. Or at least come in second.

  4. So far, the Democrat choices among those who have expressed interest are Biden, Warren, Sanders, O’Rourke and Harris. Sanders has the young college students, but Warren, O’Rourke and Harris are as least as far left as Sanders so he can’t count on an overwhelming leftist vote. O’Rourke spent a lot of out of state money and still was trashed in Texas, and there is nothing to indicate he has wide spread appeal beyond Hollywood. Harris, like Obama, is a new Senator but I can’t see her having appeal beyond California although her skin color and gender are sufficient for many purely “identity politics” leftists.

    So basically, the choice is between Biden and Warren. Biden is an old white male so he won’t appeal to the leftists, but Warren is a Hillary clone who makes more gaffes than Biden, and I think the Democrats’ leftist base will still be too shell shocked about Hillary’s loss to really push Warren. That leaves Biden as the least noxious choice.

    Interestingly, I think the left wants the White House more than Biden wants the White House. Biden will be 78 at the time of the 2020 elections, and while he is no conservative, I don’t see him moving far enough left to appease the party progressives.


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