Cuomo tries to kiss and make up with Amazon – IOTW Report

Cuomo tries to kiss and make up with Amazon

WaEx: New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo is working hard to convince Amazon to change its mind after it scrapped plans to build a second headquarters in New York City.

The Seattle-based tech giant had originally planned on splitting its second headquarters between Crystal City in Virginia’s Arlington County and Long Island City in New York’s Queens borough, but dropped the New York half after complaints from left-wing lawmakers.


Cuomo is now furiously lobbying Amazon to reconsider and has told Amazon founder Jeff Bezos and other Amazon executives that he would personally guide the company through the process of re-establishing plans for a Queens-based headquarters, according to the New York Times.

An open letter, signed by multiple interested parties, is expected to appear in Friday’s issue of the Times. The letter will strongly urge Amazon to reconsider its decision to concentrate its entire second campus in Arlington and implore the company to build half of the headquarters in Long Island City.

In addition to local businesses, unions, and other community organizations, signatories to the letter are also expected to include Democratic New York Reps. Hakeem Jeffries and Carolyn Maloney.  more here

18 Comments on Cuomo tries to kiss and make up with Amazon

  1. Not sure I want them in Florida, but Sen. Rick Scott and others are trying to make it happen. Cuomo won’t get them back unless he really sweetens the deal ($$$) which will tick off the Looney Wing even more.

  2. Don’t hitch your wagon to an outfit whose Cheif has to fight the natural instincts of most of the Indians in order to keep peace.

    It just makes a lot more sense to partner with a community who’s goals match up with your company business plan than to have a perpetual fight to keep expending time and resources dealing with. No good can come of a marriage made in hell.

  3. Libtard Bezos is proving the idiocy of the political garbage he’s advicating in that rag of his, WAPO.

    If he’d just preach what he practices, he’d finally grow up!

  4. @christy944 March 1, 2019 at 10:29 am

    > If I were Jeff Bezos, I ask them to double the tax breaks

    If I were Jeff Bezos, I’d ask them to have some fine, upstanding New York businessman make that b!tch that wants half mah money disappear!

  5. Does Cuomo really expect Amazon to trust progressives? Can anyone trust progressives? Progressives are the scary looking old men with the windowless vans advertising “free candy” – you can get in with them if you want, but it probably won’t end well.

  6. At this point I don’t think Bezos would reconsider even if Cuomo gave up AOC’s head on a garbage can lid. We have a Amazon distribution center in town. Sure, then Gov. Haley gave tax incentives and I don’t recall any snowflake pols whining about it. Then again, this is SC and not NYC, we don’t mind opportunity….

  7. @CC March 1, 2019 at 12:13 pm

    And remind the kids on the sidewalk “Just because every other kid that hopped in was never seen again, doesn’t mean you won’t get the candy. You’re special.”

  8. stop2think
    MARCH 1, 2019 AT 10:42 AM
    “I’m hoping Amazon tells NY to pound sand. I want AOC to pay through the nose for her socialist idiocy.”

    …won’t hurt HER one little bit. Socialist decisions NEVER hurt the decision makers, that’s why so many people want to RUN a socialist utopia, and no one wants to LIVE in one…

  9. HUGE silver lining:
    New York has been bleeding out
    abused, overtaxed paying middle and upper income wage owners for the last decade.
    When AOC and her commie buddies ripped the Amazon life support tubes
    out and gleefully bragged about
    dumping 25,000 high paying jobs
    into the crapper they revealed their
    future plans for wrecking and destroying to millions of 2020 voters.


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