Cuomo vs. de Blasio: New York Dems’ Infamous feud extends – IOTW Report

Cuomo vs. de Blasio: New York Dems’ Infamous feud extends

Just The News: Despite nominally being members of the same political team, and more than nominally being top elected officials in the same state, there has never been much political love lost between New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo and New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio.

Be it disagreements about funding for the perpetually struggling New York subway system, fighting over how to find the money for universal pre-k, or feuding about whether to raise taxes on the rich, there is a well-documented history of political animosity between the Democratic governor and Progressive mayor.

Hillary Clinton even famously joked about the rivalry at the Alfred E. Smith Memorial Foundation dinner in 2016. She thanked Cardinal Timothy Dolan for convincing two people at odds with each other to attend the same event. Dolan was, at the time, seated between arch political rivals Clinton and Donald Trump.

Clinton’s infamous line was: “Your eminence, you do deserve great credit for bringing together two people who have been at each other’s throats. Mortal enemies. Bitter foes. … How did you get the governor and the mayor here tonight?” keep reading

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