Cuomonavirus – IOTW Report


Patriot Retort: Yesterday, in his daily appearance before a fawning press, the incompetent governor of New York repeatedly referred to COVID-19 as the “European virus.”  I’m sure President Xi was delighted. Cuomo’s reasoning, no doubt, is that the cases in New York were seeded by travel from Europe. [Which were seeded by travel from China, but Andrew’s head is too far up the ChiCom’s collective ass to mention that.]

But if we’re going to name the virus based on how the outbreak was seeded, maybe the US outbreak should be called the New York Virus – or, more specifically, the Cuomonavirus.

After all, we learned last week that the majority of cases in the US as a whole were seeded by travel from New York. more here

6 Comments on Cuomonavirus

  1. @Dianny and @BFH@MJA – how bout we alter that just a bit, and call it CuomoHOMOvirus? I don’t say that as a slur to anyone, IT DOES SOUND KINDA OUTRAGEOUS, right? But Andy was known for his tactics to get his father to be the gov more than….Ed Koch. They haaaated eachother.

    Do a story about how ‘supposedly’ of course Andy put flyers out saying:

    “Vote for Cuomo not the Homo”

    ‘Dig’ (in) deep, the Gathering Gloom’ – the Moody Blues, 1969

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