Cuomo’s deadly nursing home error – IOTW Report

Cuomo’s deadly nursing home error

Patriot Retort:

You know, if President Trump had ordered nursing home residents who tested positive for Wuhan virus to return to their nursing homes instead of remaining in the hospital, the news media would be accusing him of murder and howling about how he has “blood on his hands.”

I mean, more than they already do.

But Governor Andrew Cuomo is the media’s hero – the light-bringer in our troubled times.

So the fact that Cuomo’s health department made such a fatal error is getting little pushback in the national press.

Sure, the New York papers have been covering the horrifying death toll in New York nursing homes.  But the national news media doesn’t give a crap because Orange Man Bad/Italian Man Good.

12 Comments on Cuomo’s deadly nursing home error

  1. It’s gotten to the point now that whenever the left/media attacks President Trump I automatically know that they are actually doing what they are accusing him of doing.
    The left is guilty by accusation.

  2. During the height of the crisis Cuomo demonstrated the worse possible instincts in every directive he issued. That kind of stupidity is what draws the leftists like fly’s on Stacy Abrams big fat ass.

  3. The average cost of a nursing home in New York is more than $100,000 per year. 70% of nursing home patients are on Medicaid. 7000 new York nursing home deaths (so far) is approximately 1/2 billion dollars in savings per year. Seems like a good plan if you need more money for solar panels or free Ramadan meals.


    End Game?

    1) reduce the population of the Elderly and the associated costs & effort to care for them esp. if they are on Government assistance to save $$$$$

    2) Tax the assets of those who do have some money saved over the years as those assets get willed and passed down to the heirs.

    The whole point of Isolating, Distancing, & shutting down THE PLANET —WAS— to protect the Elderly!

    Same shit happening up here in Canuckistan.

    The Chinese Chief Med Officer for Canada (TAM) just said 15 min ago she wants to track people with their phones as she said 10 (ten) years ago. Ahe is a first class WHO hack!

    I really believe that the governments are salivating at the thought of the windfall of INHERITANCE TACES they will be collecting!

  5. I bet if Matilda Cuomo were in a nursing home you could find at least one facility that would be exempt from the mandate that Fredo’s brother imposed on all the other facilities.

  6. error my ass

    his state had a 6 billion deficit going before the lockdown
    now he’s what, 11 billion in the hole?
    he had to take out the old folks to save some money for his inflated retirement for his state workers

    he’s not stupid, just evil


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