Curmudgeons Cut Their Own Lives Short – IOTW Report

Curmudgeons Cut Their Own Lives Short



If you always prepare for the worst, you’ll never be disappointed, right? You’ll never feel discouraged by a layoff, betrayed by a friend, or set back by an illness because you saw it coming. After all — pessimism is just another name for realism.

Ah, such a crusty, unnattractive outlook! And it can be a self-fulfilling prophecy.

“Pessimists spend so much time focusing on the worst, they unintentionally invite the worst instead of promoting the best,” said Dr. Joffrey Suprina, dean of the counseling, psychology, and social sciences department at Argosy University in Sarasota, Florida.

Suprina counsels people with chronic pain that’s been unsolved by medical interventions. “What you focus on is what you will encourage,” he told LifeZette. People with chronic pain literally feel more pain when they’re pessimistic. “You will actually see chemistry happen in the brain that will augment the pain. When people can be distracted and think about something more positive, when they watch a comedy or find a way to laugh, those aches and pains will diminish.”

So what’s going on in your head can have tangible consequences.

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19 Comments on Curmudgeons Cut Their Own Lives Short

  1. Progressiveness is a culture of pessimism. It is a culture of trying to correct problems that don’t exist. trying to correct grievances that don’t actually exist, and trying to correct history that doesn’t exist.

    So this is just another example to the progressive left.

  2. @Meerkat Brzezinski – No, no, no, my friend! They are optimists! They believe that even though they live in a terrible world, beset terrible problems, and full of terrible people that they have the answers to make everything and everybody beautiful and peaceful and all Kumbaya-sing-y. You can’t get more optimistic than that!


  3. That professor is an idiot!
    I’m 67 and I’ve been a negative SOB my entire life. Look at this face. I look 60 years younger than I am.
    I’ve never been happier or healthier.

  4. Bollocks.
    Lazlo is fiddy-ate and my curmudgeon nature has saved my dignity several times
    Like when my friends said: “C’mon Laz old shoe, lets go see the lions at the Zoo” I deferred due to lack of interest in animals that can eat you, to ridicule and derision.
    This ‘Zoo’ they attended was a wild animal park with chain link enclosures.
    My friends came home smelling of Lion Pee.
    I secretly exalted in my ‘not smelling like Lion Pee’ state while appearing to be sympathetic to theirs.

  5. When the old arthritis really kicks in, the pain lessens if I can put some good dancing music in the air. Can no longer dance the cha cha nor the watusi, but dance as much as possible and my mood improves.

    Anticipating and being stressed about something kicks in the pain. I try to impose stress on others 🙂 rather than absorb it.

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