‘Cut-and-pasted boilerplate’: De-transitioner sues providers for approving ‘unnecessary’ mastectomy – IOTW Report

‘Cut-and-pasted boilerplate’: De-transitioner sues providers for approving ‘unnecessary’ mastectomy

Just The News:
A young woman who regretted her gender transition helped shut down the U.K.’s central provider of pediatric “gender affirming care” this summer through litigation that prompted more scrutiny of the National Health Service-run Tavistock clinic.

An older American detransitioner is following Keira Bell’s lead, suing mental health professionals for allegedly rushed, sloppy and categorically false evaluations that authorized her for a taxpayer-funded double mastectomy despite the red flags she presented on mental health.

Though she’s not a minor, Camille Kiefel’s lawsuit could make providers think twice about treating gender dysphoria in youth with puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones, as well as surgical removal of healthy breasts and genitals for all ages.

The gender-critical Women’s Liberation Front is sponsoring Kiefel’s lawsuit. Filed in Oregon’s Multnomah County Circuit Court, it alleges malpractice, fraud and intentional infliction of emotional distress. 

Kiefel is seeking $850,000 in damages, including $250,000 for “medical and psychological care expenses” and $100,000 in lost wages. WoLF said it plans to support at least two additional similar lawsuits.

The 32-year-old ex-nonbinary Oregonian told Just the News she hopes the litigation raises awareness for physical therapies as treatment for mental health problems. Hers didn’t respond to “talk therapy” — a low-risk alternative to drugs and surgery — such as somatic experiencing and dialectical behavioral therapy. more here

6 Comments on ‘Cut-and-pasted boilerplate’: De-transitioner sues providers for approving ‘unnecessary’ mastectomy

  1. I follow Chloe Cole (@ChoooCole) on Twitter, she is 18 and is suing Kaiser for chopping parts off of her when she was a teen. I would take her in a debate with Greta (How Dare You!) Thunberg on any topic, any day. She is sharp – and she recognizes that the way to put an end to surgery on minors is through legal means.

  2. LCD — I’m glad Chloe Cole seems sharp to you and that she’s seen the light, but wouldn’t a teenager who agrees to have her/his parts cut off already throwing up huge red flags regarding their mental state. Has she received some sort of counseling to deal with what put her there in the first place?

  3. I have two primary reactions to this story and they’re in conflict.

    On the one hand, the “counselors”, therapists”, and surgeons making money off their subjects committing terrible crimes and need to be stopped and punished ASAP. Making things even worse, once puberty has been blocked and surgery performed, there is no way to make any kind of restitution to the poisoned and maimed.

    On the other hand, anyone bringing suit against them is in a very real sense claiming victim status when they were at the time of the crime active and willing participants. They need to bear at least some responsibility for their voluntary actions. I do recognize though, that they are at the same time actual victims of evil-doers.

    I’d prefer seeing the perpetrators facing criminal charges rathere than civil suits. As for what to do with/for the “victims” I don’t have a good answer.


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