Cutting Immigration in Half Would Make Americans Wealthier – IOTW Report

Cutting Immigration in Half Would Make Americans Wealthier

Breitbart: The bill to curb immigration supported by President Donald Trump would add to the wealth of Americans.

Trump on Wednesday announced his support for legislation proposed by Senators Tom Cotton, R-Ark., and David Perdue, R-Ga., that would cut legal immigration into the United States by half and grant entry based on education, the ability to speak English, and jobs skills.

While reducing immigration would cut overall U.S. economic growth by reducing population growth, gross domestic product per U.S. resident would grow, according to an analysis of census and economic data by Breitbart News.  more here

11 Comments on Cutting Immigration in Half Would Make Americans Wealthier

  1. Cutting Immigration in Half Would Make Americans Wealthier

    Cutting liberal indoctrination centers in half would do it even faster.

  2. But Jim Acosta of CNN doesn’t agree. It violates the “law of the land” he says, written on the Statue Of Liberty. give me your whores, rapists, murders, trannies, etc. “yearning to be free.”

  3. Hi everyone, you need to study up on immigration law. Go to the Cornell University law site and look up this section:

    Then go to USCIS’ website and look up the 1952 Walter McCarran Immigration and Nationality Act

    Then read up on Title 8 (Immigration and Nationality)

    This is what you need to study in order to debate a libtard on immigration.


    If you want more information, then go to uscis dot gov and look up the section on immigration laws. Pay attention to title 8 and The Walter-McCarran immigration act of 1952. You need to know that “admissibility” is the key concept to immigration. It is the determination that an “intending immigrant” can be welcomed into our society and obey our laws.

    Sadly the sanctuary cities and virtue signaling politicians have violated both of these articles with their policies.

    So Acosta can shove it up his __________!

  4. Well, if “Cutting Immigration in Half Would Make Americans Wealthier” how bout “Cutting Immigrants in Half?”

    Would that make Americans even MORE Wealthier?

    Nothin beats a try but a failure … let’s give it a shot!

    (I’m being funny again … y’know … like Bill Maher … hahahahaha!)

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. If that happens, the Farmers, Restaurant Owners, Landscapers and building contractors will all have to go on a diet if deprived of their ‘inalienable right,’ as established by the Chamber of Commerce, to an unending supply of cheap labor!

  6. The only problem with making me richer is more taxes. Tax immigrants at 90% until they assimilate instead of throwing them on welfare. I’m willing to allow immigrants as long as they are willing to forget their homeland for a brighter future. That means follow our laws and learn the language before the tax bracket is reduced. 90% isn’t harsh at all when you weigh in the opportunity granted to them and their offspring versus where they may have come from. Heck, every goddamn liberal wants to tax the rich at their fair share, 90%++, and that’s not harsh in their eyes. Becoming an American is RICH in my eyes. Just because I was born here? No, because I’ve assimilated here.

  7. I brought in my own “immigrant” and she naturalized nicely last year. She even phucking speaks engrish now. Make the rest follow the goddamn laws or boot them.

    That is all.

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