Cutting the Cable News Cord – IOTW Report

Cutting the Cable News Cord

American Thinker:
By Laura Peterson-Lytle
Something happened in my house this week that those who know me will find unbelievable: I cut the remaining cord to cable news.  Fox News, the only remaining cable news source I considered somewhat trustworthy, found itself banned from my home with all other cable news.

The app has been deleted, along with all news apps associated with Fox News. An overwhelming peace came in doing so, not unlike the peace that came from deleting my Twitter account in July.  The Twitter cesspool is not worth swimming in. Parler is now my go-to social media app, while independent news sources with journalistic integrity are now my go-to for news.

Having worked a significant portion of my life as a news reporter and editor, journalism will always be in my blood.  I crave news and information like some crave chocolate. That will likely never change. What will change is where I get that news and information.

While there are many reasons which factored into my decision, the final proverbial straw came when Fox News continued to deny any “credible evidence” of election/voter fraud.  Such declarations were often delivered by anchors with a sneer and a smirk.  With social media and big tech-monopolies banning and censoring evidence of verifiable election fraud, even Fox News likely feels safe in perpetuating the “nothing to see here” lie.  The problem for these censoring overlords and truth-deniers is that election fraud is, in fact, taking place.  When dead people somehow rise from the grave to vote, that is election fraud.  When people who are not legally permitted by law to vote somehow manage to do so, there is election fraud.  When states defy court orders and violate the law by refusing to allow one party access to vote counting, that is election fraud.  When statistically impossible ballot percentages magically appear in the dead of night, election fraud is likely the cause.  When thumb-drives miraculously appear from thin air, election fraud possibilities should, at the very least, be investigated.  One need not be a legal scholar to comprehend what election/voter fraud is.  Whether isolated incidents or massive, coordinated fraud, every illegal ballot is a threat to our country.  Those who fail to investigate or acknowledge such fraud are liars, at best, and criminally culpable, at worst. read more

27 Comments on Cutting the Cable News Cord

  1. Biggest boost for Fox news among conservatives I recall was Obama naming them as his enemy. That’s what made Fox the be all and end all gospel for most republicans and conservatives and gave them their (IMO undeserved) credibility among them.

  2. I’ve deleted FoxNews app on my phone but I still getting their alerts via Apple News. I think we are going to dump LiveTV on Hulu because we signed up specifically for election coverage. Well, I can get that now on PlutoTV with NewsMax for free. 👍

  3. So glad so many are doing this. Now, stop giving to your alma mater and give the same dollars to those fighting the worst of higher Ed like Campus Reform or College Fix or FIRE.

  4. The only show I watched on Fox was Tucker and that nightly recording is now deleted. I hope those on Fox worthwhile (Gutfeld, Tucker, Waters) find new homes. Hopefully people stay the course and don’t fold and go back to them.

  5. I really only watch Tucker and as of the last I watched he was still himself. Other than guilt by association, don’t see where he should face a loss of viewers. (Won’t his good ratings point out their, Foxes error?)

  6. Gave up cable TV in 2012 and haven’t been to a theater since the mid 2000s. I occasionally watched channels that I can get for free over the air, so it wasn’t any sacrifice, I’ve stopped giving Ho-wood money when I have the choice.

    Something I found surprising several years later: A quasi-niece gave me access to her netflix and I signed in to see what was what.

    Movies about post civilization crashes and climate disasters made up the majority of what new movies and shows that were offered. That and vampires and the like. yeesh!

    They are very committed to getting you used to the idea of the world crashing if we don’t DO SOMETHING NOW! Considering what they want for the future, it looks like making these shows is their way of trying to work out plans of how to get there. The left seems to take dooms-day scenarios as instruction books on how to lead a nation.

    Two of my moronic Dem friends said a new world order is inevitable back in 2016, so why fight it. They really don’t put any thought into these things or love their country like they claim.

  7. I haven’t had a television since the 1980s until a couple years ago I bought one fr the kids. We get movie discs from the library and I have an antenna up on the roof now, but have been too busy to get the coax ran to it. It’s the same one a buddy has and he gets as good reception as any cable. I think he gets thirteen stations.

  8. No Cable since the 90’s. Got rid of it to save my young daughter from seeing the foul stuff aimed at kids.
    Never on Twitter. Daughter put me on FB but I never used it and we both quit it months ago.
    I have no MSM (FOX now included) news sites on my puter links. Parler, BitChute, Gab, Rumble and Brighteon are
    now my Go To sites. I use Startpage as my browser to minimize touching Goog, etc. I won’t even listen to radio news times on the two conservative AM stations here anymore as one is Foxed, the other ABC’d. I turn them off as soon as news starts and tune back in after it’s off.
    Don’t allow them into your life to where they can vampire your information to sell you out for cash. Make them go broke.They are your enemies. They want to see you enslaved.

  9. I gave up on cable long ago. Their news leaned so much it became crooked. I don’t trust it and neither should anyone else, unless your a fool. Same as the two party system that’s basically one.

  10. Fox has gone liberal like all the other MSM. Oann: Not as many articles on the front page. NewsMax: I’m still trying to figure it out. CFP: wide variety, but crowded links. Whatfinger: Navigation is a dog’s breakfast. The whatfinger General Dispatch is a lot better, good content, lots of links. Breitbart: A little slow to update, but good content. Revolver: They repeat a lot of stuff, but it appears to be a good site.

  11. Tucker, Levin and Watters need to move to OANN or Newsmax. They are both imminently better.

    OANN is DirectTv 347. I think Newsmax is 349.

    Wife watches many shows that I do not. Wouldn’t dare cut that cord.

  12. Canceled Netflix a while back.
    Turned off Fox News.
    Left Facebook 5 yrs ago.
    Same with Instagram.
    Left Drudge a while back, never went back.
    Don’t trust Breitbart sadly anymore.
    Only do Parler, OAN, Newsmax, Weazelzippers, CTH, maybe Daily Caller and IOWNTHEWORLD REPORT….
    Never been happier!

  13. Use to watch all the Cable News channel 10+ years ago and compare them against each other to glean the facts.

    But started noticing they all started going Bias and not presenting NEWS just opinions masked as news.

    Then MEDIA Giants bought up the information and out OCONUS $$$$ was involved. So I started doing my own digging to get more factual info, just by pulling up Local News Sources 1st hand via the Internet, when something happens.

  14. Early 90s I bid adieu to TV and cable-still catch Tucker a few times a week the morning after, watch OAN and NewsMax on Pluto TV.

    Our media is a disgrace.

    Was talking with a young conservative today who keep referring to Biden’s buy back plan. I said WTF, he’s not the President. He says, but AP said he won. I told him to kill his TV.

    Said he didn’t want to raise his kids, when he has some, in a state where racial “slurs” are normal. Wants to move to Denver of all places. I said black on white criminal violence is 11x the reverse and you want to live in an environment where that is reality?? NO WAY Man he says. FBI stats bro.

    We are so fucked.

  15. Dear FNC, having Chris Wallace open his Sunday Morning with Chris Wallace show with two stupid sentences. “Joe Biden is elected the 46th president of the United Stated. Can he heal the nation?” Will only accelerate people abandoning your network.

    [no I didn’t turn his show on to watch it. Early this morning I had Greg Gutfeld or Steve Hilton on for background noise, and an occasional glance. When the rebroadcast started and I caught Chris’s idiotic statements before getting FNC turned off]

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