Data from the Czech Republic shows that covid vaccinated women are 66% less likely to give birth compared to unvaccinated women.
During 2023, even though only about a third of Czech women were unvaccinated, most births were among unvaccinated women. The birth rate among vaccinated women aged 18-39 was 42 per thousand, while unvaccinated women had a birth rate of 114 per thousand.
Despite this significant difference, the Czech corporate media has not reported on it and the Prime Minister has called it a “conspiracy theory.”
“In the meantime, our CDC keeps recommending the covid shots for pregnant women here in the US,” Steve Kirsch writes. more
Is this because of the jab, or is it the purple hair and 300 lbs that is preventing them from getting laid?
Well I was biting my tongue until YOU encouraged me. Those European women can start out smoking hot. But by the time they hit 35 they’re already transforming into something hideous. First it’s the warts on their noses. Then it’s the massive expansion of their hips. Bottom line is if they’re not knocked up by about 32 good luck trying to find a sperm donor.
The vaxxxholes are not interested in healing, only in maiming and killing.
They make that abundantly clear here.
…and still, Trump hasnt hung them, or even stopped the poisioning…
Life imitates art? cf Children of Men
Another puzzle piece falls into place. Bill Gates and the Globalists have been looking for a way to kill off the unproductive old people and to reduce the birth rate. I guess they found they could kill two birds with one stone. (Bill Gates was a key player in the development of the vaccine–read RFK Jr’s book).
A stiff dick has no standards.
The Czech is in the female.
In my experience, the people most likely to submit to The Jab (TM) were also less likely to have children or to want children. At least that’s how it was here in America, and it wouldn’t be a surprise to learn that’s how it is in the Czech Republic (or Europe in general), also. And I’m perfectly fine with the sheep not passing on their bad genes. Now, if someone DID want children and was FORCED to submit to The Jab (TM) and is suffering as a result, then that’s a different story.
It’s working!