D.C. Delegate Norton(D) vows to ‘stop’ permanent fencing around U.S. Capitol – IOTW Report

D.C. Delegate Norton(D) vows to ‘stop’ permanent fencing around U.S. Capitol

“The @WashingtonPost @PostOpinions published an editorial supporting my No Fencing at the Capitol Act,” she wrote on Twitter on Tuesday. “No bill should even be necessary to stop permanent fencing, but stop it I will.” MORE

7 Comments on D.C. Delegate Norton(D) vows to ‘stop’ permanent fencing around U.S. Capitol

  1. The White House is bunkered up, complete with an army protecting it, because it’s current occupants know that we know they stole the office and they are scared to death of us. They desperately want us dis armed. To the point they are threatening an EO to do so. I wonder what the remedy is for an unconstitutional eo is. Or whether the Constitution matters anymore.

  2. I think they have the fencing up to project to everyone that they stole the election, everyone knows they stole the election and there isn’t a damn thing anyone is going to be able to do about it

  3. I’m with ‘aleon‘ and ‘Jason’.

    Pull the guard outside the fence then lock the gates and don’t let the bastards out until they WORK. Real work, not this crap witch hunt stuff and faux investigations (their synonym for cover up).

    We could add it as a part of the National Zoo. Come see the most overpaid grifters who think they are above everybody.

    Let them sleep on the cots they provided for the Guard and eat the same meals! No visitors! Away from family, yes, let them have a taste of reality.

    Clean your own house, Nancy, it reeks!


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