D.C. mayor exempts many city and federal government workers from strict new mask order – IOTW Report

D.C. mayor exempts many city and federal government workers from strict new mask order

Just The News: Washington D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser on Wednesday issued an order mandating that people in the district wear facial coverings when they are outside, while carving out large exceptions for city and federal workers on the job.

The order requires people to don the face coverings outdoors if they will ever come near other people, even briefly.

“Persons leaving their residences shall wear a mask when they are likely to come into contact with another person, such as being within six feet of another person for more than a fleeting time,” the order declares.

The mayor’s order makes exceptions from the strict new rules for many city and federal government workers, stipulating: “The enforcement provisions of this Order shall not be applied to persons in the judicial or legislative branches of the District government while those persons are on duty; and shall not apply to any employees of the federal government while they are on duty.” more here

16 Comments on D.C. mayor exempts many city and federal government workers from strict new mask order

  1. Same goes for counties in Nevada, Florida, California…

    Just like that little black boy in the story before this, selling N Word passes to white kids at school. Well, that bitch is handing out mask passes. And you don’t think those assholes are gonna pull the ‘I work for da gumbint’ card when someone approaches them outside of work? The answer is yes, they will.

    Y’all add to the list if you know who your county’s exempting.

  2. Next thing you know they will pass a regulation that only white poeple must wear masks, stating some fake study that says only while people spread the virus.
    Black Breaths Matter!

  3. just to play ‘devil’s advocate’ .. not really sure she has any jurisdiction over fed employees “while they are on duty”

    btw … not really sure any mayor has the authority to make people wear face diaper at all

    … what’s next? … mandatory pimp hats, bell bottoms & platform shoes? … what’s the difference?

  4. Thanks @MJA – those modern day internet beggars or BUMS, annoy the crap out of me, it can remove ‘the steam’ from certain threads for the next person wanting to comment.


  5. I keep seeing people asking why we’re making masks our hill. Can’t speak for anyone else but myself, but it’s my hill because I’ll be damned if I allow the government to tell me what I must wear on my body.
    Just like I won’t give my money to a business that thinks they can tell me I must wear a mask to shop at their store.

    Just saw Loves truck stop has been added to that list. Hopefully this will cause them to lose their ass, they deserve to anyway as they rip off truckers every damn day. I’m always flabbergasted as to why truckers and trucking companies use them anyway, always the truck stop across the street or down the road has cheaper diesel than they do. Just read tonight a local trucking company has already informed them they will be canceling their account with them. It’s not a large company, but does run over 50 trucks.

  6. Typical government tax receiver scum. Call the affirmative action mouth breather mayor and tell her that she’s violating your Roe v. Wade right to privacy. Get the government out of our bodies

  7. She wants masks on 3 yr olds.
    The virus is abating and deaths are way down and now these Democrat tools are dictating masks. Obviously not science based. Sadly, most people are just sheepishly obeying and trying to shame people who aren’t.
    Americans are no longer majority rugged individualists.

  8. beachmom, I’ve lost count how many times I’ve asked the masked maniac nazis to show me one scientific study that masks work against any virus. They talk about them, but never produce them, they tell me common sense tells you it stops the droplets so it does help because people aren’t coughing or sneezing in your face. I guess that’s a thing for some people? Who has people coughing and sneezing in their face?
    I do though see people pulling them down to cough and sneeze.


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