D.C. Metro Refuses Gun Safety Ad – IOTW Report

D.C. Metro Refuses Gun Safety Ad

Washington Free Beacon: Washington, D.C.’s Metro transit agency rejected ads promoting a gun-safety campaign, sparking accusations of bias from the industry.

The agency refused to run an ad from the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) that highlighted the industry’s commitment “to make communities safer.” The agency told the group the ad violated its guidelines but did not elaborate on any particular violation, according to an email obtained by the Washington Free Beacon. The trade group said the decision is politically motivated.

“There’s nothing controversial in the ad,” spokesman Larry Keane said. “So, it’s just another blatant example of bias against the firearms industry.”


6 Comments on D.C. Metro Refuses Gun Safety Ad

  1. There is a war on guns, religion, family, and common decency being waged by half the population agains’t the other half. This is what happens when you “tolerate” the other side and go along to get along.

  2. This violates our guidelines. For more information about this violation, please refer to our “Guidelines and Policies” document, which will be made publicly available as soon as we add this type of advertising to the growing list of things we don’t like outlined in our “Guidelines and Policies” document.


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