D-list Alyssa Milano tried to take down the abortion law by complaining that she can own more guns than dildos in Texas – IOTW Report

D-list Alyssa Milano tried to take down the abortion law by complaining that she can own more guns than dildos in Texas

The law is technically on the books but is not applied. Milano can own as many dildos as she needs to satisfy her insatiable desires in Texas. Also, she doesn’t live in Texas so maybe she should shut the f*ck up. – More at DCN

30 Comments on D-list Alyssa Milano tried to take down the abortion law by complaining that she can own more guns than dildos in Texas

  1. Conservative Cowgirl, she also labors under the delusion that she’s smaht.

    These people just want to pay no consequences for their actions.
    Birth control pills are about $5 per month w/ insurance.
    Other means of birth control are also inexpensive.
    Not having sex is free.

  2. “…there’s a law in Texas that prohibits a woman from owning more than 6 dildos.”
    I figure she can’t use more than three at a time, so the law gives her a complete set plus a full complement of spares. I don’t see the problem.

  3. I don’t think infanticide is “necessitated” by the use of dildos… and am not sure what dildo ownership has to do with the heartbeat law…. I just can’t keep up with these dizzying intellectuals.

  4. Milano and Chelsea Handler should team up and start a bus service between Texas and Nevada. Handler gets an abortion about every three months, so she knows everyone in the business. Governor Sisolak could fund the operation. And on the trip back to Texas, which will now have half the number of living people that originally loaded on in Texas, Milano can pass out autographed dildos. Any dill-will-do.

  5. I use different guns for hunting pheasant, deer, antelope, or moose, and different ones for skeet shooting, for self-defense….

    If 6 dildos isn’t enough, maybe she should plant a garden, or go to a sporting goods store, or try Home Depot’s plumbing dept.

  6. There’s a movement now to make Kamala Harris appear unslutty by comparision to the Hollywood idiots coming out with gross sexuall comments and promoting sexual promiscuity.

    You’ll see.


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