DA: Driver licenses for illegal immigrants could attract terrorists – IOTW Report

DA: Driver licenses for illegal immigrants could attract terrorists


EASTON, Pa. – A resolution passed by Easton City Council is not sitting well with Northampton County John Morganelli, who said giving illegal immigrants driver licenses could open the door for terrorists.

Morganelli said he respects the Easton City Council’s decision, but he wishes law enforcement would have been consulted. Easton Mayor Sal Panto said the council did its homework. Panto said the resolution is a way to show support for people who are in Pennsylvania illegally but still paying taxes.

“It’s not an ordinance of the city, it’s not a law. We don’t have that right,” said Panto. “It’s a resolution encouraging others to act.” Last week, the Easton City Council passed a resolution asking members of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives to pass House Bill 1648, which would provide all undocumented residents in Easton the opportunity to get a driver’s license.


3 Comments on DA: Driver licenses for illegal immigrants could attract terrorists

  1. Yeah, terrorists. Not drunk-driving meskins, transnational gangs allied with narcocartels, welfare parasites, DEMOCRAT VOTERS, or virtual slavers who kidnap women as basement sex slaves. Nah, none of that is relevant.

    PC insanity.

  2. Hey, I wonder if I can get Orange Co to “show me some support” when I break the state’s Speed Limit laws and/or Seat Belt laws, because , you know, I pays my taxes! non-food sales taxes, food taxes, gas taxes, cigamarette taxes, popurdy taxes, animule taxes, income taxes, outcome taxes, got lucky 3 times and now I gotta pay to edjamacate ’em taxes… I probly won’t have nothin left by the time I die though, so I might not have to pay them there dying taxes!!!
    But anyway, since I pays taxes that makes it A-OK fer me to break them laws that I don’t want to be hampered by, right? Cause every time I get caught I keep having to pay a helluva “Fuck You It Ain’t None of Your Business Whether or Not I Wear a Seatbelt, Ya Busybody Knowitall Sumbitch” Tax!!! Gee I wish I’da been born illegal instead of so darn good-looking!!!

  3. The idiot mayor said,”Undocumented workers in this state have paid $134 million annually in taxes,”.

    Now, how the hell does he know that “undocumented workers” paid $134million in taxes? Did the state end up with an extra $134 million that they couldn’t account for where it came from after they audited and accounted for all the money received from the legal and “documented” citizens? Or was that the amount of taxes collected on wire transfers to Mexico and El Guatamaduras?

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