DACA coddling upsets other illegals – IOTW Report

DACA coddling upsets other illegals


American Thinker: If rule-of-law advocates are seen as a divided bunch and President Trump himself seems a bit squishy on what kind of bill he will sign to end illegal immigration, it’s worth noting that over on the left, the open-borders lobby, and the garden-variety illegals in particular, are pretty much at each others’ throats over the coddling that Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals recipients are getting.

According to the San Diego Union-Tribune:

“I’m very bitter. These DACA kids definitely have this sense of entitlement,” Paredes said. “People fought for them and they got DACA and they got their work permit and then they went to sleep, instead of working to fight for the rest of us.”

So illegals are angry at other illegals because some are deemed more worthy than others of amnesty, and the latter have the whole Democratic political machine fighting for them, while the rest get nothing. From the DACA perspective, of course, amnesty for DACA recipients is just the camel’s nose under the tent for the broader agenda of open borders and wait-for-the-next-subway next mass amnesty. But it’s likely there’s a lot of fury on this front, given that guys like the young man quoted in the piece above, were brought here as children, too, but came in, say, in 1980, missing the 1982 age cutoff, and for reasons unknown, also missed Ronald Reagan’s 1986 mass amnesty. (Notice how many of the illegals in the piece pose for newspaper photos with the very parents who got them in this dilemma.) There are at least 13 million illegals here in the U.S. and DACA covers just roughly 700,000 of them.  read more

7 Comments on DACA coddling upsets other illegals

  1. Y’know, it’s kinda funny … we (wife and I) feed the deer, bunnies, coons, squirrels, and birds. Scratch Grain and Black Oil Sunflower seeds, for the most part, though sometimes the Armadillos, Crows, and Juncos get into the Geese’s crumbles.
    Here’s my point: They FIGHT over free shit! Just like the free-shit getters of the human variety. It’s pretty fukkin pathetic to see coons and bunnies fighting over free-shit, but it’s absolutely … what? … disheartening to see Americans (?) and would-be Americans fighting over the largesse of their working compatriots.

    Fukkin sad.

    izlamo delenda est …

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