DACA Illegal Aliens Stage Thanksgiving Holiday Hunger Strike – IOTW Report

DACA Illegal Aliens Stage Thanksgiving Holiday Hunger Strike

Overall, fewer than 30 percent of Americans say they support a quick amnesty deal. Even among Democrat voters, amnesty is becoming more and more unpopular, with fewer than 45 percent Democrats wanting Congress to push through an amnesty deal.


Breitbart: Illegal aliens shielded from deportation under the President Obama-created Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program are staging a hunger strike in the days leading up to Thanksgiving Day.

The group of illegal aliens from New Jersey have promised to not eat until Thanksgiving, according to WNYC, while they lobby Republican members of Congress to pass an amnesty for the nearly 800,000 DACA recipients in the U.S.

“I’m sitting here looking at my last meal and trying to imagine what my meals would be like if I was sent back to Mexico,” DACA illegal alien Adriana Delgado told WNYC.

“People think that I’m crazy for doing this hunger strike but I’m willing to suffer for three days if it means not suffering for a lifetime,” Delgado continued. “There will be thousands of families who will have broken dinner tables if nothing is done.”

The group of illegal aliens is demanding an unconditional amnesty that permanently allows all DACA recipients to remain in the United States and puts them on a pathway to citizenship, when they can eventually bring their foreign relatives to the U.S. as well.

The DACA recipients say they are not satisfied with an amnesty that ties the legalization of potentially 3.3 million eligible illegal aliens to pro-American immigration reforms like an end to chain migration or the termination of the Diversity Visa Lottery.  more

21 Comments on DACA Illegal Aliens Stage Thanksgiving Holiday Hunger Strike

  1. “I’m sitting here looking at my last meal and trying to imagine what my meals would be like if I was sent back to Mexico,” DACA illegal alien Adriana Delgado told WNYA !” Let’s kick her filthy, illegal and criminal butt back and find out!

  2. You illegals are the reason I spent 14 hours waiting in an ER the day I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. I was an inch away from a coma. Again, curse you and everything you touch. I hope you get bounced back across the border so hard you scrape the skin off your asses.

  3. “There will be thousands of families who will have broken dinner tables if nothing is done.”

    wtf???? …. why? will the re-importation of illegal aliens to their own countries actually break our dinner tables? … can we not fix them without cheap, shoddy illegal alien labor? … what?

  4. Two problems with this tactic:

    1. Nobody gives a shit if you starve.

    2. Like all left wing “hunger strikes”, it’s bullshit.

    Cindy Sheehan went on a year long “hunger strike” where you never saw her without a 2,000 calorie Jamba Juice drink in her hand. The dumb bitch gained 40 lbs. that year.

  5. ““I’m sitting here looking at my last meal and trying to imagine what my meals would be like if I was sent back to Mexico,” DACA illegal alien Adriana Delgado told WNYC.”

    I guess your meals will look like just what you eat now. Go home and don’t try any funny stuff.

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