DACA: Kasich slams Trump for taking ‘hope from innocent children’ – IOTW Report

DACA: Kasich slams Trump for taking ‘hope from innocent children’

Innocent Children” he says. LOL!

WaEx: Ohio Gov. John Kasich questioned President Trump’s leadership on immigration policy Sunday after Trump appeared to kill negotiations on a legislative fix to the Obama-era Deferred Action on Childhood Arrivals program.

“A true leader preserves & offers hope, doesn’t take hope from innocent children who call America home. Remember, today is Easter Sunday,” Kasich wrote on Twitter in response to a tweet by the president.

Earlier, Trump implored Republican senators to amend procedure in the upper chamber so they can take immediate action and introduce “tough” new immigration legislation.

The president’s call coincides with a caravan of thousands of migrant workers making its way through Mexico toward the U.S. southern border.

“Border Patrol Agents are not allowed to properly do their job at the Border because of ridiculous liberal (Democrat) laws like Catch & Release. Getting more dangerous. ‘Caravans’ coming. Republicans must go to Nuclear Option to pass tough laws NOW. NO MORE DACA DEAL!” Trump tweeted. MORE

25 Comments on DACA: Kasich slams Trump for taking ‘hope from innocent children’

  1. a true leader or parent will teach children about laws, right and wrong, there are consequences for stealing what is not yours. and on Easter even. Shame.

  2. I think it’s a sin to use a child to skull into a country to give yourself a free ride off of a culture that takes care of people when their own doesn’t. They should feel shame, not anger.

  3. Since Kasich’s run for POTUS didn’t work out so well (despite having a father who was a mailman!) I have a suggestion for him: run for President of Mexico!

    Do it for love, John! Think of Mexico’s innocent children. You show little concern for America’s children.

  4. John Kasich is the RINO Governor of my state. This P.O.S. is a pathetic, vindictive liar. He is navel lint. He is a worthless, gutless welch who is in no way qualified to hold public office let alone the public trust! He can’t even tell the truth about a simple traffic ticket let alone honor his word and signature! The man is a complete FOOL!

  5. “A true leader preserves & offers hope …”

    “Leader” is the English word for “Fuhrer.”

    Our President is our Executive Officer – NOT our “Fuhrer” – and holds office to EXECUTE the LAWS of the Land. Those “laws” include prohibitions against illegal invasion. Protecting the Lives and Liberties of American Citizens – not to protect the parasitism of every rat-person who creeps into America.

    Fuck Off, Kasich – America decided; America decided that YOU didn’t understand the requirements of the job – as you have amply indicated.

    You want to be the “Leader?” The “Fuhrer?” Go to Cuba, or Venezuela, or New York, or California, or some other 3rd world shithole. America doesn’t need you.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. My daughter has moved to Chile and is in the process of obtaining her work visa. There are long lines of Haitians (who speak Creole?) and Venezuelans who are trying to get into Chile. Chile has very strict regulations for entry (my daughter is married to a Chilean – reason why she lives there – also great weather and country). Both Canada and the US must tighten their entry requirements.

  7. The “only” reason Kasich is covered by the MSM is that he is anti-Trump. Otherwise we would never hear his name mentioned.

    Fools are given a platform to prove their ignorance.

  8. Be honest… at least with yourself. If the Good™ people, on The Right Side of History™, get the Bad™ people, on the wrong side of history, to “force” them to “allow” the Bad™ people to do something, anything at all, different… do you believe, honestly, that it will be anything the Good™ people find undesirable? When someone has to leave the party early… to get up for work the next day, to avoid being grounded, to move their car before the meter expires… is it ever because they can’t tolerate the change of plans?

    If you want a change of plans… why, yes, it’s already planned… regarding this invasion, you’ll have to change the planners… why, yes, all the planners… before the invasion occurs. Don’t want to do so? That’s OK. Just lie back and enjoy it. Don’t want to enjoy it? Don’t want to pretend that you enjoy it? Pretend that you don’t enjoy it? That’s all OK. Because the plan is rolling, armed and dangerous, with or without your consent. You can express your displeasure in November, when the planners tell you how you voted, for who they told you to vote for. After all the checks have cleared, and the accounts have been closed.

  9. “doesn’t take hope from innocent children who call America home”

    the false hope you give them with your corruption of language.

    illegal immigrants are the only ones who need to worry.

  10. Not their hope!

    Kasich only takes their virginity. I dunno. He just sets off that pedo-vibe. When he dies, they are going to find his collection of little shoes in the back of his closet.

  11. “We were not deceived by the professions of the private adventurer, — the louder he talked of his honor, the faster we counted our spoons…” –Ralph Waldo Emerson

  12. The spotlight for Kasich is nearly extinguished. After the election for a new Ohio governor in November, he’ll fade from the national scene quickly.
    If DeWine wins, there’ll be a new RINO to interview.

  13. Dave Rubin had him on his podcast last week. Kasich reached out to his people, wanted to come on the show, no pre-auth q’s, unscripted. He’s testing the 2020 waters.

    Rubin does a good job interviewing, no gotcha’s, intelligent q’s, doesn’t speak over his guests. What a hot mess! Dave could’ve put a full length mirror in his chair, walked away, and Kasich would’ve been none the wiser (or happier). He loves to hear himself talk and believes himself a deep thinker.

  14. If they really are migrant workers we need them to pick crops. Migrant workers typically go home once they finish the harvesting. They start in California, Florida, Texas, then work their way north. Migrant workers are needed.


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