Dad Pulls Daughter From $43K NYC School for Teaching Kids to ‘Feel Bad About the Color of Their Skin’ – IOTW Report

Dad Pulls Daughter From $43K NYC School for Teaching Kids to ‘Feel Bad About the Color of Their Skin’


Harvey Goldman discovered his 9-year-old daughter and classmates were taught to “feel bad about the color of their skin” last fall. What did Goldman do? He pulled his kid out of the $43k-per-year Herschel School in Manhattan, according to the Daily Mail.

“They are teaching these kids terrible things,” he told Tucker Carlson on Tuesday night. “Teaching them to feel bad about themselves and it is really awful.”

Goldman found out what was going on through the school’s newsletter and complained to the headmaster — and he was rebuffed. He then wrote the school.

“First and foremost, neither I, nor my child, have ‘white privilege,’ nor do we need to apologize for it. Suggesting I do is insulting. Suggesting to my 9-year-old child she does is child abuse, not education.”

The school suggested he take his daughter out of the school.

He is not the only parent peeved by the response and recent events. More

9 Comments on Dad Pulls Daughter From $43K NYC School for Teaching Kids to ‘Feel Bad About the Color of Their Skin’

  1. This doesn’t feel like a real news story soo much as your typical right leaning narrative on a slow news day based on the fact that the “reporter” knows someone moving to Florida because they are fed up

  2. “In this case, Goldman moved his family from New York to Florida”

    Eventually all these woke weak sisters, the virtue signaling Karen’s will be left a lone to simmer in their own toxic brew. Suicides will run rampant. They will finally open their eyes and realize, no one gives a fuck and they’ve wasted their lives. At that point wrist slicing against the grain hits an all time high. And after they all bleed out we can get back to normal.

  3. People have had it.
    The blow back will epic.
    It’s coming just wait. Watch and act.
    Be part of of the reset,not the one they are looking for.
    Keep the faith and carry on.
    Our God loves us and will not abandon us, but he will let us suffer,for our own good.
    How long we do not know,that is why we have to have faith.

  4. So called “institutional racism” is definitely a problem in this country, but like everything else the Left accuses real Americans of doing, they themselves are guilty of it. Why are people so hesitant to call it what it is, racism? That’s what this school is practicing. Call it that!

    This guy has the financial means to pull his kid out and move to FL. Why doesn’t he stay where he is, organize fellow parents and fight the problem. Look out FL! This is how clueless Progressives screw up the cities and states they flee to.

  5. I’m not a grandparent and will never be one which in today’s environment, I am happy about that. Parents nowadays are struggling, both parents have to work to keep a roof other their heads and food on the table. That’s their only means to survival. My kids some how saw what the future would be like to juggle careers and watching out for the best for their children. They saw a losing battle with education, and future lifestyle and they didn’t want the “challenge” if they didn’t have to take it. Even though my children are adults, you never stop thinking about their future on this planet. There’s a better life after this one.


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