Dad Who Lost His Son To Illegal Immigrant Blames California, The Media And Democrats – IOTW Report

Dad Who Lost His Son To Illegal Immigrant Blames California, The Media And Democrats

DC: Drew Rosenberg was a young aspiring lawyer living in San Fransisco back in 2010, but his life was tragically cut short by an illegal immigrant.

Roberto Galo of Honduras was in the United States illegally and had already been stopped by police for driving down a one-way road in the wrong direction before he killed Rosenberg. He later failed to produce valid identification, but was released after being charged.

Then in 2010, he struck Drew with his car while Drew was riding his motorcycle in California. Galo then repeatedly ran over his body in an attempt to flee the scene.

Galo only spent 43 days in jail for the killing, and was allowed to continue living in the United States for two more years, until he was finally deported in 2013. Drew’s father Don has now become an advocate for fighting sanctuary city laws and spoke with The Daily Caller News Foundation about his thoughts on illegal immigration.

“The battle over illegal immigration is a war,” Rosenberg told TheDCNF. “Maybe not in the traditional sense but a war none the less. While many who come here mean no harm to anyone, their presence has resulted in over 50,000 deaths and literally millions of crimes perpetrated against citizens and legal immigrants.” read more

6 Comments on Dad Who Lost His Son To Illegal Immigrant Blames California, The Media And Democrats

  1. In Northern California I roll home from work and listen to the local news and it’s always several crimes committed by some one with a Hispanic name. Same thing on our county watch face book page. Neither one will tell you if they are here legally. So I automatically default to they are not. I live in a rural area that’s not easy to get to, on a Cul de sac. At least once a month on my morning journey to work I will pass a van or truck load of Mexicans headed up to our small corner of the world and I’ll flip a bitch and follow them right into our hood. I’ve parked right behind many on our street until they decided to leave. We have had neighbors that have had their doors kicked in. They refuse to arm themselves, with the exception of my next door neighbors. Who wanted to load their AR with the first couple rounds being blanks to scare bad guys away. Yea, that won’t work.
    This isn’t the ghetto. There’s not a house on this street worth less than a Mil.


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