Dad’s grief leads to quest to count deaths caused by illegal immigrant drivers – IOTW Report

Dad’s grief leads to quest to count deaths caused by illegal immigrant drivers

FOX: In the five years since an unlicensed illegal immigrant ran down his son, Don Rosenberg has turned his anger and grief into a mission to answer a seemingly simple question: How many people are killed each year by drivers who don’t belong in the U.S., much less behind a wheel?

Drew Rosenberg, a 25-year-old student at Golden Gate University, was riding his motorcycle in San Francisco when Roberto Galo struck him on Nov. 16, 2010. In his frenzied effort to flee the scene, Galo ran over his victim twice. The elder Rosenberg got the news no parent should hear from San Francisco General Hospital that night, but what he would learn over the next few years only compounded his bitterness.  MORE

7 Comments on Dad’s grief leads to quest to count deaths caused by illegal immigrant drivers

  1. 10 years ago they were saying that 25 People a day were being killed by Illegal Immigrants…15 by DUI and the rest by direct violence….there was a Youtube video of a Boston guy who had quite a following , and ranted about this .

  2. A conservative is a Libtard who’s been bitch-slapped by reality. In this case, having their child killed by an unlicensed drunk illegal ALIEN (there. fixed it for ya. yer welcome), not an IMMIGRANT.

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