Dallas Co. Commissioner votes against honoring murdered officers, says they brought it on themselves – IOTW Report

Dallas Co. Commissioner votes against honoring murdered officers, says they brought it on themselves

Why is a damn-near bald man wearing braids? They’re so thin, they look like stitches.

Liberty Unyielding: 

[Ed. – Sadly, should this despicable piece of trash ever find himself in need of police help, he will doubtless call for it — and they will doubtless provide it.]

Dallas County Commissioner John Wiley Price voted to oppose a resolution to honor murdered police officers, blaming police officers for the assassinations.

The Wednesday vote was supposed to be largely ceremonial, but gained unexpected opposition as Commissioner John Wiley Price argued that law enforcement should not be honored, according to Fox4.

“I think it’s interesting in this country how you again try to frame the narrative with regards to other people who’ve lost their life at the hands of law enforcement,” Price said. “No life is more important than any other life.”

Price said that ‘unjust police violence’ was the cause of the terrorist attacks against law enforcement, according to Fox4.  more

28 Comments on Dallas Co. Commissioner votes against honoring murdered officers, says they brought it on themselves

  1. Karma has a way of taking care of worthless pieces of shit like him. He’ll probably get a good ol ass whoopin by a couple blacks and bitch the rest of his life that cops didn’t show up until he was about bled out.

  2. “Until we start to recognize all life, then no life is more important than any other life,” Price said.
    I’m glad to see one person of influence, in the black community, setting BLM straight. Or is it you don’t realize what you said? “All lives matter”, has been known to raise the ire of your consistency.

  3. “All lives are equally important.” is not true in theory or in fact. The police department should walk off the job for a day to demonstrate the falsity of that rubbush.

  4. One (or perhaps two, maybe three) bad officer(s) does not justify violence against all officers.
    JW Price just stated that any violence against any group is justified because of a few bad members of said group.
    A few whites are bad, kill them all.

  5. I am almost finished reading Milo’s book “Dangerous.” His chapter on Black Lives Matter is excellent. The fact that blacks are turning on the one group that has actually done more for black lives is not just crazy; it’s self-defeating.

    The only way these police officers “brought this on themselves” was by continuing to do their duty and protecting a gaggle of ungrateful, hateful assholes.

    Mr. Cornrow should be ashamed of himself. But he won’t be. Leftists aren’t born with the shame gene.


    –The inability for the police to clean up their antiquated procedures and cover up for bad cops is their fault.

    –The blacks’ inability to clean up their own communities from crime is their fault.

    2 sides who claim neither is at fault meet each other, it will always be a disaster.

    People innocent and guilty are harmed on both sides. I don’t keep score. Both are in need of drastic reforms.

  7. “BLM” = Bu-LSh-t Lies Manipulate.

    This clown is obviously a wanna be community re-organizer who wants to redefine truth and undercut American values and trust we place in our community infrastructure -quoted the anthropologist from the 23rd Century.

  8. This piece of crap has been a commissioner since 1985 and was recently acquitted of several bribery charges while the jury couldn’t agree on four more. The prosecuting attorney decided not to try him again on the four hung counts. He’s also been accusted of assaulting a staffer. A real credit to his constituents.

  9. I imagine that fancy-ass hairdo thang of his would be all the rage in Liberia.
    They’d prolly really appreciate his expecial ‘telligence there, too. Gno what I’m sayin’?

  10. This PoS needs to be flushed asap. If he means by putting on the uniform, wearing a badge and weapon, these people volunteered to be killed, his logic, or the lack of it, is circular. The real source of all Dallas problems are County Commissioners, kill them and the problems go away. No prosecutions because they “brought it on themselves”.

  11. Clear acrylic eyeglass frames are usually the first indicator that you’re dealing with a liberal douchenugget.

    Except in this instance where receding hairline cornrows are the giveaway.

  12. “In April, prosecutors unsuccessfully prosecuted John Wiley Price, accusing him of using his public office to illegally take over $1 million.” (Last paragraph of the article.)

    Crooks don’t like law enforcement.

  13. The people that elect this criminal, love him. Just like Sheila Jackson Lee accurately represents her constituency, so does he.

    His people will do/vote whatever the hell he asks them to.


  14. He has been a malignant, whitey-hating black separatist his entire adult life.

    He deliberately picks violent fights with white people then threatens them with, in some cases, machine guns.

    He is an embezzler caught with $900K cash in a safe in his home.

    Years ago the hate burned so darkly inside him, the black literally peeled off his face leaving him looking like an albino.

    That he is still a commissioner for South Dallas reflects the satanic race hatred of that population. Don’t doubt that for a second.

    Texas is not a sanctuary against communism. There is no safe place on this Earth.

  15. “Until we start to recognize all life, then no life is more important than any other life,” Price said.
    Probably a supporter of PP and abortion ‘rights’.

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