Dallas PD: Shooting suspect wanted to ‘kill white officers’ – IOTW Report

Dallas PD: Shooting suspect wanted to ‘kill white officers’


From BPR—-

“The suspect said he was upset about Black Lives Matter. He said he was upset about the recent police shootings. The suspect said he was upset at white people,” Brown told reporters. “The suspect stated he wanted to kill white people, especially white officers. The suspect said that we will eventually find the IEDs. The suspect stated he was not affiliated with any groups and he stated that he did this alone.”

It is unclear why the deceased suspect said he acted alone, when police have reportedly detained at least three others from the ambush.

dallas pd chief


WYFF: A suspect who died after a standoff with Dallas police said he wanted to kill white people — especially white officers — and that he was upset about “the recent police shootings,” and that he acted alone, Dallas Police Chief David Brown told reporters Friday.

The suspect eventually was killed by a bomb that authorities detonated, Brown said.

“We saw no other option but to use our bomb robot and place a device on its extension for it to detonate where the suspect was,” Brown said. “Other options would have exposed our officers to grave danger. The suspect is deceased as a result of detonating the bomb.”

Five police officers were killed and seven others were injured in the ambush in Dallas that began Thursday night, officials have said, in the deadliest single incident for U.S. law enforcement since September 11, 2001. Two civilians also were injured in the shootings, the office of Dallas’ mayor has said.

Most of the injured Dallas police officers have been released from a hospital, Brown told reporters. The officers’ conditions are improving, Brown said.

“All I know is that this must stop — this divisiveness between our police and our citizens,” Brown said. “We don’t feel much support most days. Let’s not make today most days. Please, we need your support to be able to protect you from men like these, who carried out this tragic, tragic event.”

Brown said an investigation into the ambush continues.  MORE


17 Comments on Dallas PD: Shooting suspect wanted to ‘kill white officers’

  1. “We don’t feel much support most days. Let’s not make today most days.”

    Sorry Mayor about the loss. However, you’ve got a divisive President who has caused this divisiveness. Do you recall Obama getting involved with a white police officer and a black college professor ordeal? Remember Obama said that the cop “acted stupidly?” That meeting over the beer was the beginning of Obama undoing race relations in this country. It was very early in his presidency when this event happened and here we are today. I put the blame squarely on Obama. If I had a son…… I hope we never have another black president in this country.

  2. This will be Obamas legacy. Rise to power by creating race wars. He succeed where Charles Manson failed (credit to another poster here, sorry I forget just who, who pointed this out the other day).

  3. Obama is responsible for creating and enabling the domestic terror group Black Lives Matter, just as he is responsible for creating and enabling the international terror group, ISIS.

    His hatred of America and Americans along with his leftist idealogical agenda has made this a very dangerous country.

    Obama owns ALL of this.

    What now NeverTrumpers? You gonna allow Hillary to be Obama’s third term?

  4. So, I’m waiting for BLM to be listed by HSA as a domestic terrorist group. I’m also waiting for BLM to appear in the rogue’s gallery of SPLC’s hate groups.

    Don’t worry, I’m not holding my breath.

  5. “Killed by a bomb detonated by authorities”


    Last I heard of something like that was Waco. Not to be conspiratorial, but is it possible that somebody is covering up for a suicide bomber?

  6. I’m looking for mini-Reapers to evolve in the law enforcement arsenal. Specifically, miniature quad-rotor drones with .22 attached. Throw down some smoke and send in the Tiny Terminator. Ba da bing…

  7. Both perpetrators dead, less than 12 hours after the shootings, but authorities are assuring us that there was no organization, these 2 acted alone, and there is no connection to BLM. Now THAT’S amazing police work!

  8. Loco – I agree completely. Any response that is not initiated by the first responders to the scene is by default given to commanders and politicians. Orlando has a PD of about 700 cops. Orlando most likely doesn’t field a full time SWAT team on a 24/7 basis. Instead, like most agencies, they have SWAT designated officers who respond when called upon. While there would be some of these officers on duty at the time of the Pulse shooting, they most likely would have to await the “Avengers Assemble” order which could take some time. Then once assembled and on scene, they would need to be brought up to speed on the situation, devise a plan of action and issue assignments. By that time 50 people are dead.

    Not saying it’s right, but our SWAT team guys were very incensed at how the politicians (read Mayor here) would get involved with tactical decisions that would drag on for hours and hours. One time they had to wait for our Mayor to drive in from another state so he could get his face on TV when the action kicked off.

    Can’t say for sure that I know what took Orlando PD so long to kick it into gear, but I know how those deals go down sometimes.

  9. I’ll be happy to take to the streets to stand side by side with law enforcement.
    Just say the word I’ll come.
    This is fucking unreal.

    Mama take this badge from me
    I can’t use it anymore
    It’s getting dark too dark to see
    Feels like I’m knockin’ on heaven’s door

  10. WAIT A MINUTE! THE COPS HAVE BOMBS? WHY IS THIS OKAY WITH YOU GUYS? IT’S bad enough every podunk police force has a military style swat team, armored vehicles and ASSAULT weapons.
    Now they’re using bombs on city streets. Is this what you support? WOW!

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