Dallas salon owner who reopened despite coronavirus restrictions gets 7 days in jail – IOTW Report

Dallas salon owner who reopened despite coronavirus restrictions gets 7 days in jail

h/t JDHasty


Texas salon owner was given seven days in jail on Tuesday after she refused to apologize for defying coronavirus related restrictions by remaining open for business.

Dallas business owner Shelley Luther was given a choice: She could offer an apology for selfishness, pay a fine and shutdown until Friday, or serve jail time.

“I have to disagree with you, sir, when you say that I’m selfish because feeding my kids is not selfish,” she told the judge. “I have hairstylists that are going hungry because they would rather feed their kids. So sir, if you think the law is more important than kids getting fed, then please go ahead with your decision. But I am not going to shut the salon.” read more

30 Comments on Dallas salon owner who reopened despite coronavirus restrictions gets 7 days in jail

  1. Dallas county is run by democrats, and they’re all motherfuckers. The county can’t even cite the “law” she broke nor how it justifies any jail time at all.

    Anyone you meet who agrees that it’s just fine for liquor stores to be open but a hair salon be shut down still at this point in time is a worthless prole-for-life piece of shit and you should shun them forever.

  2. You’ll obey or else.

    FWIW, I wonder how many people who have viewed government neutrally or even positively are now starting to see it as being an enemy?

    I sense a growing hostility in the air, on all sides, not something that I expect will be coming to a good end.

  3. The “judge” is not interested in justice.

    “Law is merely an ‘arcanum dominatus’ – a means for the stabilization of power.”

    This was the legal position adopted by the National Socialist German Workers Party back in 1933 and by the Demonrat Party around 2008.
    This “judge” fears justice – in a just world he would cease to exist.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. The fact that she was a white woman made it even more satisfying for the judge. I notice there are actually nine Go Fund Me accounts set up for her that have collected more than $300k. I hope she gets every penny.

  5. ode to a dindu in dallas, tx:
    .a ghetto-chimp imitating a judge
    .squeezed out a “ruling” of fudge
    .got’s to punish dem’ whites
    .dey’s aint’ got no rights
    .i got’s no diversity grudge!

  6. ode to the badge-dindus in ector county,TX – FU:
    .some jackbooted thugs went out rompin’
    .on taxpayer rights they was stompin’
    .said we don’t give a s**t,
    .we live on taxpayer-tit,
    .go whine to the gub-nor or somethin’!

  7. “Yer Honor, I would like you to quote to me Section, Chapter, and verse of the legal code, the law, that I am violating. If it’s the Governor’s say-so, his Executive Order, show me, again, Section, chapter, and verse, where it says that I must obey that EO under penalty of law. I’ll be here at the Defendant table waiting for your answer, your Honor.”

  8. Why didn’t the Fox News article not name judge Clay Jenkins, who sent out the cease and desist order, or judge Eric Moyé, who so arrogantly defamed Shelley Luther and then jailed her solely for not apologizing? These despots need their names broadcast. The main story was the Moyé’s abusive sentence.

    And make no mistake about Luther being jailed only for not backing down. Tyrant Moyé said he would let her go home if she’d been willing to grovel and beg.

  9. Unless there is a “kill switch” built into the state licensing agreement to run a hair salon she will be able to retire with the money she gets for suing this POS dictator in Dallas.

  10. f every d**k-sucking badge-dindu/governor/judge/lawyer/politician in America proclaiming/enforcing this corona-balogna. you’re nothing but dog-s**t to me, and a lot of things can happen to dog-s**t.

  11. @Anonymous May 6, 2020 at 11:01 am

    > Instead of being tarred and feathered the judge will be re-elected as usual because people are idiots.

    The judges will be able to be re-elected because Patriots™ are an heroes.

  12. hey mr. gub, you enabled this chimp-out – so tell the taqiyya-bama d-sucker to let her out, or send the marshals to get her – no penalty. no nothing – f**k dallas

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