Dallas turns blue and very unsafe – IOTW Report

Dallas turns blue and very unsafe

American Thinker:

By Silvio Canto, Jr.

The Texas electoral map looks pretty red except for those blue squares in Dallas and other cities. Yes, Texas is starting to look a lot like other states where people live in Democrat cities, competitive suburbs and rural areas dominated by the GOP.

So what happens in blue cities?  Crime goes up, and Dallas is no exception, as we see in these news reports:   

A new spike in violent crime drew response Monday from Dallas Mayor Eric Johnson and Police Chief U. Renee Hall.

Since Wednesday, there have been at least 24 shootings with 29 victims and 11 deaths.

The string of violence began Wednesday afternoon with the freeway killing of Dallas rap music star Mo3, known to his family as Melvin Noble. The 28-year old was a Dallas native. He was shot in the middle of the day on the I-35E R. L.Thornton Freeway as he tried to run away, police said.

A sad story but getting more common.   I’ve lived in this area since 1984 and we did not have this problem years ago.  There was your occasional crime of passion but not crime like this.  Who knew that Dallas would remind us of Chicago’s weekend shootouts? read more

12 Comments on Dallas turns blue and very unsafe

  1. Rappers getting ‘unwrapped’ breaks my freakin’ heart, boohoo.
    As for the blue spread, I watched my Sweetie get consumed by cancer the past few years, her ct scans and mri’s look nearly identical to the map of the U.S. being fatally infected by the dem creep.

  2. Its not Color, its Californians moving to Texas & Demos seeding the cities & redistributing. Lefties do a lot of leftist work while conservatives are trying to earn a living to stay ahead of the Tax Grifting.

    It happened to Ontario. We used to manufacture & work a lot more in the 80’s.

  3. The creeping crud of liberalism….And you thought covid was scary!

    I’ve said for years; Our freedoms will become our downfall.

    I.E. The Assholes of the world will use our freedom of speech, etc. against US.

  4. Dallas police also took a major hit to their budget recently, just like in Austin. Add that to all of other contributory factors and it don’t take a rocket surgeon to figure out what will happen.
    BTW – when those budgets get cut it ain’t the bureaucrats (chiefs and other ‘command’ types) that get cut – it is the street coppers.

  5. Once again, we don’t kill enough people anymore.
    We used to hang people for crimes but now they get a few years in club med or they just don’t investigate so the criminals get to keep doing this crap.
    The answer simple, if we can kill babies in the womb no problem, then we should start lining people up against a wall we they commit their 3rd felony.
    Do not pass go, do not collect $200, it’s game over.


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