Dallas Woman Gives Birth at Elementary School – IOTW Report

Dallas Woman Gives Birth at Elementary School

Resist The Mainstream – After suddenly going into labor at her daughter’s school, a Dallas woman successfully gave birth thanks to the help of a teacher on the scene who had the know-how to deal with the situation.

Loren Carcamo, a pregnant mother who expected to deliver her third child the next day, was picking up her sick six-year-old daughter at her elementary school when she suddenly felt labor pains, the Dallas Morning News reported.

Soon, Carcamo’s water broke, and she was taken to the school nurse’s office, the Morning News. Tylar Krause, who worked as the school’s nurse, felt some trepidation but tried to fall back on her training. MORE

11 Comments on Dallas Woman Gives Birth at Elementary School

  1. Specifically, she had been an OBG-YN resident in her home country of Venezuela.

    She never delivered a baby, she relied on her memory from nursing school. This right there is third world medicine.

  2. Goldenfoxx,
    Why is that “third world medicine”?
    Just because you learned it in school, you may not have ever practiced it in real life.
    Sounds like the nurse did well for her first time.

  3. Maria Perez Caraballo is a former OBGYN from Venezuela who escaped that communist hell hole to became a teacher at a nearby middle school in Texas. She helped the school nurse, Ms.Krause, deliver a baby. We’re going to keep our new Venezuelan-American-Texan teacher.

  4. @Neanderthal B Woodman Domestic Violent Extremist SuperStraight

    In reading the article, she sounded very sketchy as what to do. Heck, a cop pulled over a guy for speeding, his wife was delivering a baby in the front seat. Cop got right in there and delivered the baby. See the difference?

  5. Babies birth themselves.

    90% of the time doctors are just there to catch.

    Its nice that she was there to unwrap the cord from its neck, but you shouldn’t need a degree to figure THAT one out.


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