Damn, Damn, Damnity, Damnit! – IOTW Report

Damn, Damn, Damnity, Damnit!

Gavin Newsom’s Odd ‘Damn’ Video Interview.

California Governor Gavin Newsom gave an odd video interview this week with several media outlets including the Sacramento Bee. In the 6:25 minute youtube clip below, Newsom said “damn” 9 times, and slammed his desk with his hand and fist 59 times.

He also made some really strange statements, and with a funky drawl.

23 Comments on Damn, Damn, Damnity, Damnit!

  1. “He sounds like a damn loser to me.”

    Bingo. He’s a freak. You haven’t heard anything yet. You should listen to one of his COVID updates. Painful to listen to. He make G.W. Bush sound like a master orator.
    I’ve come to the conclusion the guy has zero social or people skills. I don’t think he’s ever participated in a debate. He’d lose elections just based on his debate presentation.

  2. Too many empty suits sitting in overpriced tax-paid chairs.

    He won’t have to worry about having enough “damns” sooner than he thinks. There’s one waiting with his name on it.

  3. Over 135,000 more people left California than moved in and so many corporations have left the California Policy Center actually has a California Book of Exoduses with the highest cost of living and the highest tax burdens in the country as their reason for leaving. Hey Gavin! They can’t all be wrong!

  4. Appropriate punishment for criminal narcissist chumps like Newsome, cuomhole, Whitmer, pelosi, Schmuckles, obozo, kamelwhore, etc ad fin would be to incarcerate them together in one big cell with none of the luxuries they’ve enjoyed their entire lives (at our expense), including basics like food.

    They can eat each other alive. To death

  5. @Anonymous, give them two of each ” luxury item” and let the games begin.
    Live stream or pay-per-view and we can use the money to rebuild all the small businesses this group killed.
    And make the jailers operate on a cas basis. They wanted the cops defunded.


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