Dan Bongino Slams Media And Democrats For Double Standard After Capitol Hill Chaos (VIDEO) – IOTW Report

Dan Bongino Slams Media And Democrats For Double Standard After Capitol Hill Chaos (VIDEO)

American Lookout: By now, you have probably seen pictures and videos of what unfolded in Washington, DC on Wednesday. Trump supporters breached the Capitol building in a protest that got a little out of control at times.

Some people on the left and even some on the right are clutching their pearls as if no one has ever seen such a thing before. They have apparently forgotten that the left burned and looted American cities for months while Democrats and the media stood by calling them ‘mostly peaceful’ protesters.

Dan Bongino appeared on the Sean Hannity show last night and gave everyone a reminder about the violent actions of the left after the Republican convention and the Antifa attacks on a Portland courthouse for over 100 nights.

He slammed Democrats and the media over the fact that we have two different sets of rules in this country. One for the left, and another for everyone else. watch

6 Comments on Dan Bongino Slams Media And Democrats For Double Standard After Capitol Hill Chaos (VIDEO)

  1. Are we awake yet? Everyone of us had better get their “house” in order and stay VERY alert. The next 2 weeks are going to be giving us a shitstorm.
    Have a plan in case it all falls apart… because it’s gonna. We the People now have a leader that will definitely be categorized as illegitimate by half the citizenry. That is not going to fly. Buckle up.

  2. I’m more concerned about the declining rationality of the public in general. Too many people are completely blind to the constant manipulation and gas lighting both from government and the legacy media.

  3. Roll over and play dead…give up and surrender…walk, in chains, directly into your reservation and rot slowly into a stolen history. And let facebook and twitter zip your mouth shut, little owned sheep.


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