Dan Bongino’s vaccine mandate feud with Cumulus radio escalates as conservative pundit goes off air – IOTW Report

Dan Bongino’s vaccine mandate feud with Cumulus radio escalates as conservative pundit goes off air

Just The News: The disagreement between conservative talk show host Dan Bongino and Cumulus Media over the company’s vaccination mandate appears to have escalated with Bongino going off air this week.

Bongino earlier this month said on air and on social media that Cumulus, which distributes his show, can either rescind its mandate that employees be vaccinated against COVID-19 or he’ll quit.

“You can have me or you can have the [vaccine] mandate,” he tweeted. “But you can’t have both of us.” 

The weekday show has been off air Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, and reruns of his live show have instead been aired in his slot, according to the Washington Examiner

Bongino said this week on his podcast that negotiations with Cumulus were turning “ugly.” 

“It’s unfortunately an ugly fight,” he said Wednesday. “I wish it weren’t. But some of the people who have been fired from Cumulus, their stories are piling in, and they’re pretty disturbing.” 

Bongino is vaccinated but is opposed to vaccination mandates. Cumulus Media did not respond to the Washington Examiner’s request for comment.

21 Comments on Dan Bongino’s vaccine mandate feud with Cumulus radio escalates as conservative pundit goes off air

  1. I won’t miss him. I mean, I wish him well, but he epitomizes a style that I have no patience with. He, and a whole bunch of others, want me to spend an hour or two to get information and insight that if it were in written form would take me five to fifteen minutes.

  2. talk radio has gone to hell in a handbag since Rush passed away. They are trying to erase all conservative voices from the old media but they dont own all the internets. Hell, Bannons show gets a million downloads a day and i’d be Bongo only gets a fourth of that from cumulus

  3. Uncle Al ʘ #FJB

    That and the continuous manufactured rage. I just can’t stay pissed off that long. Don’t get me wrong, he does good stuff. I just can’t watch it.

  4. I’ve been listening to Buck Sexton and Travis Smiley too. I like them way better than Bongino. He’s a little bit too Hannity’ish some days.

    All of it shows how irreplaceable dear Rush is. I miss hearing his voice daily.

  5. You know why I don’t like him? That jackass “Producer Joe”. He is completely unnecessary, an irritating distraction, and I don’t give a shit what he thinks about anything, Dan, so stop asking him. That’s the primary reason I stopped listening but the manufactured rage gets tiring, too.

  6. There’s a lot to like about Buck and Travis, but I can’t take how they sound like two fourteen year old girls at a slumber party who have been eating too much sugar. They talk over each other all the time and abruptly cut off the callers so they can start back up blabbing on about their personal lives. I know they are younger than Rush and are trying to cater to a younger audience, but they sound immature to me.

  7. Buck Sexton and Clay Travis are a great team. No one can ever “replace” Rush but I do love the fact that it takes TWO men to fill Rush’s gigantic shoes. R.I.P. Rush Limbaugh the G.O.A.T and God Speed to Clay and Buck. ClayAndBuck.com – 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Central time. Must listen. Daily.

  8. I only listen to a few podcasts now with Sexton’s being one of them and I don’t make time for the 3 hour shows of anyone because boiled down, it’s maybe 90 minutes of actual talk with far too much filler (ads). Who needs to hear about cowboy boots, divorce attorneys and pillows over and over and….?

  9. In a post-Rush world, I think the Jesse Kelly Show has the best mix of news, outrage, humor, and reality checks from a ‘guy next door’ perspective.

    The Bongino and Geraldo political street brawls on TV were amusing a couple of times, in a WWF kind of way. I find Clay and Buck kind of nerdy and they lost me when they fawned over Ann Coulter, like they finally got to sit at the cool girls’ table.


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