Dan Crenshaw Defends Congress Insider Trading In Order To Better Themselves – IOTW Report

Dan Crenshaw Defends Congress Insider Trading In Order To Better Themselves

h/t joe6pak

RVM: This week, Texas Congressman Dan Crenshaw was on the All American Savage Show discussing Congress and their ability to trade individual stocks even though they may have inside information on which stocks will be doing well (also known as insider trading).

Crenshaw said, “I think it’d be fine if you wanted to ban individual stock trading…Notice I said ‘individual,’…as opposed to ETF’s [exchange-traded funds]…I’m kinda neutral on it.”

While Crenshaw may have said he’s neutral on the subject, the phrasing of his next comments say otherwise.

37 Comments on Dan Crenshaw Defends Congress Insider Trading In Order To Better Themselves

  1. It’s a shame, he seemed to have promise, but… Mr. Crenshaw has lost this Texas resident. I do not live in his district, but will not support any state or federal candidacy he may seek in the future. -KR

  2. There are a handful of good ones, sad that not enough are outspoken (until election time of course). Rand Paul is at the front of my list, he has been very consistent, particularly regarding covid response and general government overreach. John Kennedy has shown up well for some hearings.
    I think Scalise is good, he needs to step it up. Some fringe ones like Lauren Boebert and Marjorie Taylor Greene, but they are new and don’t appear to have the stability Rand Paul does.
    Of course I am hugely appreciative that every GOP senator has really dug in to prevent legislation. That means even the ones we think so poorly of, Romney, Susan Collins, etc. are holding on for us.

  3. He was never one of us. He is a member of the WEF Young Leaders of the Future along with Tulsi Gabbard, the spawn of Soros and the spawn of Rothschild. He a demo-fascist Trojan horse parading around as a RINO. Using his “military” background to get sympathy from conservatives.

  4. This should be a lesson (yet another) to those who fall for the cult of personality. But it won’t. The school system did a great job of programming those too weak to think for themselves.

    I witnessed the same exact dynamic go down with the TEA Party candidates. There were a bunch of idiots who fell for the “Oh they are so charismatic” bullshit and could not be reasoned with to critically examine the candidates. It was so transparently obvious to anyone who paid attention that it was inevitable what the outcome of electing most of those mutts was going to be of that Charlie Foxtrot.

  5. To be fair to *old Crenshaw*, he was consistently good when we first met him. And then he signaled support for Red Flag laws, Globull Warming, and we all scratched our heads. But until then I think what he said was 100% in line with our thinking.

  6. MTG and Boebert are hardly fringe. They are mainstream. Who else besides Matt Gaetz have you seen even MENTIONING the travesty of 1/6 prisoners? Or the election steal in 2020?

    And Laura Loomer, who is running again, this time in a more winnable district, would be the best thing to happen to the House. Just a couple days ago, she went to an R get together and blasted McConnell & was cut off.

    The former gov of MO is running for the Senate and he is a kick ass ex SEAL. He won’t take any shit off McConnell and knows how the Swamp Game is played.

  7. The reason Insider Trading is highly illegal, and vigorously prosecuted is because high level managements decisions will be influenced for personal gain and fear they will not have share holders best interests as a priority.
    Well the voters are the share holders. I can’t find a single Navy Seal that has a good thing to say about this clown. He’s got a new controversy brewing right now with people yelling “why do we need you” at public events. He’s not that sharp and certainly no Patriot. Judging by his Instagram account he has very little chance of being re elected. Fucking crooks.

  8. MTG & Boebert, 2 wacko jacko’s, what do they do about representing their districts, zero. What do they do yo make America better, zero. 2 B’s who are just pinup poster girls for weapons.

  9. @RadioMattM

    Your article did not dissuade me from supporting term limits, but it did highlight the need for the new administration to totally clean house at the State Department.

    These Deep State bureaucrats would like you to believe that the job is so hard that you need 10-20-30 years of practice to get it right, horse-shit. Anybody with the proper allegiance of Country/Constitution first and foremost can ably represent our interests internationally. It was the old boys club (neo-cons) that has gotten us into every costly ill-advised war in the last 40 years.

    All the problems in DC have an intersectional link to the careerism that results from our current system.

    Both Jefferson and Madison wrote extensively about the requirement of the “citizen politician”, the individual at home that already established a link to his country through his business or his farm, and went to Washington temporarily to provide needed legislation and security so that his fellow citizens could prosper.

  10. @Tony R January 25, 2022 at 10:22 am

    > Is it that DC corrupted him in record time, or was he corrupt before he ran and just had us fooled?

    Would he be allowed on The Party approved ballot? If his Party membership were not already approved?

  11. @ RadioMattM & rich taylor

    Ten years ought to be the absolute most anybody can serve in the government. Elected, appointed or civil service or any combination of the three, ten years and gone with no pension or other benefits. Let’s make public servants actually serve us instead of servicing us.

  12. The law needs to be applied equally to ALL.
    If something (anything) is illegal for private citizens, it must needs be illegal for Cops, Civil Servants, Politicians, Media Maggots, Hollyweird, and Academia.

    Otherwise the “Law” is a grotesquerie – and, whatever it is, it isn’t “Law.”

    Like “Mandates” that don’t affect some chosen few.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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