Establishment Republican Dan Crenshaw (TX) again ranked among the best at trading stocks in Congress, a study by Unusual Whales found Tuesday.

Crenshaw sat in 2024 on the House Intelligence and Energy and Commerce Committee, prime slots to gain key bits of information for both personal and legislative development.
“You have no way to better yourself” as a congressperson, he previously said about his stock trades.
Crenshaw ranked in the top 15 of congressional members who traded stocks last year (2024), up from the top 25 best stock traders in Congress in 2023 with a portfolio increase of over 34 percent. more
Poor baby can’t live on $175k a year. I’m living on $30k and still have to pay income tax.
I trained him *hic!* well!
Noob… He didn’t even beat Pete Sessions!
Dildo Danny: Aye, I only have one eye, but it doesn’t get in the way of doing well in the stock market!
Go get him Catturd.
Lucky eyepatch!
He has his eye on becoming a multi-Millionaire as a Congressman.
Just following the herd, many set the Record before him.
Yes, Crenshaw has an eye for this sort of thing. Imagine how much he could make if he had two.
This idiot Crenshaw is combative as hell on twitter. He looks for fights. The last one was with conservative musician John Rich. Who bitch slapped him five ways from Sunday. The mans stupid.