Dan Crenshaw Was Just On ‘The View’ and It Was Just As Epic As You’d Expect – IOTW Report

Dan Crenshaw Was Just On ‘The View’ and It Was Just As Epic As You’d Expect

Political Cowboy:

When it comes to politics, give us quality over quantity every time. For every ten tweets some politicians make blurting out their every thought on even the most asinine subject, Rep. Dan Crenshaw gifts us one clever, succinct, and often hilarious remark.

As if his no-nonsense approach to being a statesman wasn’t enough (it is), the dude has just never failed to impress with his classy responses to leftist squawking and even deeply offensive jokes at his expense.

When I saw that Lt. Crenshaw was slated to be a guest on The View, I dang near spilt my drink. If anyone needs a dose of tastefully-administered reality, it’s those gals.

Y’all, I am proud to report to you that the man did not disappoint.

19 Comments on Dan Crenshaw Was Just On ‘The View’ and It Was Just As Epic As You’d Expect

  1. I love this man but they didn’t listen to a word he said, not a single word. It is good that he went on that wretched show because maybe, just maybe someone listening caught a glimmer of reality.

    Just like the Dims are encouraging themselves and training themselves (HAHA) to go on to FOX, it is important for people like Rep. Crenshaw to go on these liberal bastions and be as calm as he was.

  2. Megan McCain said that Omar apologized for her 9/11 comment. She never apologized. These traitors, (the females of the view) defended the America-hating female dog who defended the 9/11 attackers. These traitorous vixens are now defending the muslims who attacked America on 9/11. They are the same as Hanoi Jane.

  3. Corky is right. They are not listening to him. “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses….” has nothing to do with immigration law. He’s talking to stones. Great guy.

  4. “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses” is part of a poem. We already have Ruth Bader Ginsburg confusing the Constitution with Jabberwocky; we don’t need more political interpretation and policy decisions based on poetry.

  5. Providing an immigrant family has a valid asylum case I would require a U.S. citizen to “sponsor” them if they want to enter the United States. A sponsor would be responsible for helping them get situated and to make sure they follow a legal path to citizenship. This would allow liberals to put their time and money where their mouths are and step up as sponsors. Of course I doubt that many would.

  6. Drop off a busload of them at each of those twats’ houses and let the invaders take over their homes and steal all their stuff and have law enforcement stand down. Maybe they would finally get the point.

  7. The format of the View is to use any dissenting voice as merely a departure point for rehashing their own ignorant — truly ignorant — views. I don’t voluntarily watch that “show” of ignorance but, hey, it was Crenshaw, after all, and I can never get enough of him.

    Did you notice how behar couldn’t help putting her hand on her squatty hip EVEN WHILE SITTING DOWN IN A CHAIR?! Too funny!! And that dope, the one with the dreds (I honestly can’t remember her name right now); she prefaced everything with “..at least the way *I* see it…”. I swear it’s “Comey Disease” — As a writer recently said: “Pontif-on-the-Potomac”, meaning this self-anointed belief in one’s ability to know the “real truth” about everything regardless of reality. In psychological terms, it’s known as magical thinking — of the type normal to children but a bit of a problem in adults.

    I am certain (magical thinking?) that at least one woman in that hare-brained audience listened to Crenshaw just because he is so dashingly manly; though I do wish he’d worn a red eye patch, just to rile them up and unbalance them even more.

  8. “I do wish he’d worn a red eye patch, just to rile them up and unbalance them even more. ”

    Anyway, AA is right.
    Some of those audience broads may only have been paying attention to Crenshaw’s looks. Which means that later, they looked him up. And you know how the hollywood – afflicted are. They’ll be mesmerized by his cute looks like a raccoon is with a dumpster. And maybe, MAYBE some of what he says will get through to them and cause them to say, “Huh. You know what? He’s right!”

  9. My take away from the episode (which I bookmarked to my favorites in my YouTube folder last night) is that even when corrected and presented with the truth, the women of the panel will continue to openly lie and try and push false narratives. They kept repeating the lie of Charlottesville that Trump had praised neo-nazis. Crenshaw made the point that if someone reads the actual transcript of what was said that any sane individual would realize that that is not what Trump said. Doesn’t matter, they need to push the false narrative.

    What Crenshaw has, whether innate or developed by his service in the SEALs, is the ability to keep his composure in the face of adversity.

    He is the first politician from whom I have actively sought out their website to see about donating to their reelection campaign.

    @Abigail Adams…One with the Texas symbol or American flag would be nice.

    As a side note, two over the hill comedians, two Daddy’s girls and one identity politics politico does not an educated panel make.

  10. MJA — a racoon/dumpster — great analogy!! LOL!!! Just can’t resist the call of the wild!

    ChristianPDX — Yeah, that would have been grounds for kicking him off the show! Ever see such a triggered, quivering mass of neurosis EVER?! I wish Crenshaw would have worn a “Mad Eye Moody” eyeball. LOL. THAT would have derailed them, for sure. “So, let’s talk about THAT!”

    The next conservative guest on the View should bring an emotional support puppy with them. Not a mature dog, but an adorable puppy. Would love to watch the conflict of emotions.


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