‘Dangerous Illusions’ plague Christians who praise Islam and refuse to see it for what it is – IOTW Report

‘Dangerous Illusions’ plague Christians who praise Islam and refuse to see it for what it is

Facing Islam: While preparing to post William Kilpatrick’s article,  ‘The Church and Islam: Dangerous Illusions’,  I ended up with quite a long introduction which, I felt, took away from Mr. Kilpatrick’s presentation. Therefore, I decided to hold back that introduction and use it to create this follow-up post to further address the ‘Dangerous Illusions’ which plague those Christians who praise Islam and refuse to see it for what it is.

For an Orthodox Christian to praise and affirm Islam and the Qur’an is akin to spitting on the holy icons of Christ and His Most Pure Mother. When the Muslims invaded Tbilisi, Georgia in 1227, they set icons of Christ and the Theotokos in the middle of the bridge, and promised to spare all those who spit on the icons, denied Christ and converted to Islam. 100,000 Georgian Orthodox Christians chose martyrdom rather than deny Jesus Christ. Let us honor their memory by confessing Jesus Christ to our dying breath! (Source)

William Kilpatrick warned in his article about the threat Islam poses to non-Muslims everywhere, depending on how seriously Muslims take the commands in the Qur’an to wage jihad against the unbelievers. We have seen Islamic jihad attacks climb dramatically in the years since 9/11/2001, with over 33,000 deadly terror attacks since then. This is undeniable evidence that there is something dark and violent at the heart at Islam.

However, in addition to the deadly threat Islam poses in this age, there exists also a grave spiritual danger for Christians who praise and affirm Islam, or who even affirm that Muslims worship the ‘Same God’ as we do.  more here

6 Comments on ‘Dangerous Illusions’ plague Christians who praise Islam and refuse to see it for what it is

  1. Christianity and Islam DO NOT worship the same God. The religion of peace serves a paganic demon god desiring blood, gore, and destroyed lives.

    Any Christian who thinks otherwise is committing slow suicide and turning the world over to these third world barbarians.

    Spoken by a Biblical scholar who has Doctorates in Ministry (Biblical Worldview) and in Divinity (Eschatology).

    Not pulling rank on ya but I do know a few things I could be considered an expert in.

  2. Not here to praise it by any means(necessary), but not here to completely condemn it either. I buy my beer, cigars, soda and chips for my troops from several Ali’s or Mo’s. Might be a just a business transaction, but we talk in some cases…you know god is good…we both say in one case in another we talk about playing Cricket.

    WHEN I hear ‘a the looh SNACKBAR’ scream? THAT’s when we duck cover and run out of the store…

    Treat people as individuals. What I CONDEMN is our effing politicians and, in my Cat-lick case, the current effing papacy.


  3. Just a few quick questions to find out if these two world religions actually do worship the same God.

    We will start with Jesus, If you could answer these questions for us, that would be great (Spoken by the guy that was the supervisor in Desk space):

    1.How many people did you cure of sickness, How many did you raise from the dead?

    2. How many of your enemies did you kill? How many did you capture and force into slavery?

    3. Did you or did you not claim that the Greatest Commandment actually included loving your fellow man as yourself, whether or not that man actually believes as you do?

    Mr. Muhammad same questions….
    One bonus question Mr Muhammad:

    Did you ever, or have you ever encouraged others to rape those whom you defeat in battle?

    ANYONE who does not get that one of these is NOT like the other needs to apply to Berkley as their new Theology Professor.

    MSG Grumpy


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