Dangers Rise as America Retreats – IOTW Report

Dangers Rise as America Retreats

Fifteen years after 9/11, the next president will face greater risks and a weaker military to combat them.



Fifteen years ago this Sunday, nearly 3,000 Americans were killed in the deadliest attack on the U.S. homeland in our history. A decade and a half later, we remain at war with Islamic terrorists. Winning this war will require an effort of greater scale and commitment than anything we have seen since World War II, calling on every element of our national power.

Defeating our enemies has been made significantly more difficult by the policies of Barack Obama. No American president has done more to weaken the U.S., hobble our defenses or aid our adversaries.

President Obama has been more dedicated to reducing America’s power than to defeating our enemies. He has enhanced the abilities, reach and finances of our adversaries, including the world’s leading state sponsor of terror, at the expense of our allies and our own national security. He has overseen a decline of our own military capabilities as our adversaries’ strength has grown.

Our Air Force today is the oldest and smallest it has ever been. In January 2015, then-Army Chief of Staff Gen. Ray Odierno testified that the Army was as unready as it had been at any other time in its history. Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Jonathan W. Greenert testified similarly that, “Navy readiness is at its lowest point in many years.”

Nearly half of the Marine Corps’ non-deployed units—the ones that respond to unforeseen contingencies—are suffering shortfalls,according to the commandant of the Corps, Gen. Joseph F. Dunford Jr. For the first time in decades, American supremacy in key areas can no longer be assured.

The president who came into office promising to end wars has made war more likely by diminishing America’s strength and deterrence ability. He doesn’t seem to understand that the credible threat of military force gives substance and meaning to our diplomacy. By reducing the size and strength of our forces, he has ensured that future wars will be longer, and put more American lives at risk.  MORE

5 Comments on Dangers Rise as America Retreats

  1. I am all for a stronger military but Bush and Cheney failed us miserably by allowing muslims to pour into the country across our open border. When people like Tom Tancredo tried to stop this, they told him to beat it. Cheney is a poster child for Steve Sailer’s “Invade the World, Invite the World” phrase. Let’s seal our border and stop roaming around the world searching for imaginary monsters to destroy. I am all for flattening ISIS, nothing imaginary about them, but let’s be careful about sending our troops into harm’s way. Let someone else force these countries to become “democracies.”

  2. I also am all for deporting illegals and we need to face the reality of the dangers posed by muslims in our midst. Cheney and Bush never saw that muslims on our soil could pose us danger. That was racist and islam was “the religion of peace.” The only danger they saw was someplace 7000 miles away and where we needed to send tens of thousands of troops. Muzzies can only do so much damage to us if WE DONT ALLOW THEM INTO OUR COUNTRY. sorry for the all caps, this all seems so fundamental but TPTB fight vs it tooth and nail.

  3. So, I turned on the TV this morning to Fox news and apparently, 15 years ago terrorists attacked the United States. I’m still trying to figure out who they were, why they did it, or what affiliation they had, because what is being is reported some mysterious, unnamed terrorists attacked us.
    News anchor Bret Baer is talking about American courage, while in the same breath he does not even have the current to name Islam is the driving force behind the attack on 9/11.

    Never forget, never surrender. Fuck Islam.

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