Darren Beattie: The “pipe bomber” unravels the whole J6 thing – IOTW Report

Darren Beattie: The “pipe bomber” unravels the whole J6 thing


Stewart Rhodes, the founder of the Oath Keepers, has been found guilty of “seditious conspiracy” for his involvement in the “Fedsurrection” at the US Capitol on January 6th. In a controversial twist of justice, he has been sentenced to 18 years in prison, highlighting the left’s weaponization of the judicial system and their relentless mission to try to turn a “rowdy” protest into an insurrection.


Oath Keepers extremist group founder Stewart Rhodes was sentenced Thursday to 18 years in prison for orchestrating a weekslong plot that culminated in his followers attacking the U.S. Capitol in a bid to keep President Joe Biden out of the White House after winning the 2020 election.

Rhodes, 58, is the first person convicted of seditious conspiracy in the Jan. 6, 2021, attack to receive his punishment, and his sentence is the longest handed down so far in the hundreds of Capitol riot cases.

Darren Beattie recently made an appearance on War Room where he shared his thoughts on the absurd Stewart Rhodes sentencing and its implications. According to Darren, such sentencing, along with similar cases, serves as a means for the government to lend “gravitas” to the January 6th event, which many Americans believe was orchestrated by federal authorities as a setup. MORE

8 Comments on Darren Beattie: The “pipe bomber” unravels the whole J6 thing

  1. I might be the luckiest man on earth. I bought an Amtrak ticket for DC for J6. But I was feeling that a setup was under way so I never got on the train.

    Memorial Day reminds me that I also graduated from high school June 1972, barely missing the Viet Nam war.

    Somebody looked out for me. Dumb luck.
    Thank you Jesus.

  2. The Dumbcrats call it an insurrection. On 1-6-20 Trump was still in office. If it was an insurrection to overthrow the government, it was Trump’s government.

    In the 3+ years since it happened, I have never heard the MLM media call in an insurrection against Trump.

    In any case, it was no insurrection. The Capital Police connived with liberals to let the mob in the WH.

    The crime was committed by Capital Police for not protecting the Capital buildings.

  3. Glad you have 20/20 foresight. There began to be little hints that gave me foreboding.
    I can’t even count how many times I have traveled to DC for this protest or that. I was at the first Tea Party in Jan/Feb 2009. And many events since then.

    J6 gave me a very bad feeling.

  4. Here’s the setup.

    I lived, schooled and worked in DC for several years, so I know the lay of the land.

    As a citizen you enter the Capitol building through an official entrance on the north east side. No other entrance. Metal detectors, Cell phone confiscation. All that.

    That the J6 engineers opened other doors proves it was definitely a setup for tourist types from KS, MO, TX, etc unfamiliar with Capitol Hill.

    I wish I was there to warn them off, quite frankly.

  5. PHenry, I graduated from HS a year ahead of you in 1971 and I almost joined the Navy right out of HS that summer. My dad talked me out of it and told me to wait, so I did and in 1972 when I was 19 and I got a low draft number in the draft lottery decided to join the Navy before I could be drafted. Nixon ended the draft while I was in boot camp a month before the 72 Presidential election, and I was pissed at him at the time but got over it and my 3 years in the Navy was well worth volunteering. Vietnam was still a war zone in 74 when we were patrolling in the Gulf of Tonkin (Yankee station) off the coast of N. Vietnam on board the Kitty Hawk. I got paid combat pay for that as well as hazardous duty pay for working up on the flight deck during that time off the coast of N. Vietnam. A year later in May/June 1975 we were back there again right after Saigon fell to the commies and we were the first aircraft carrier in that area just in case. i saw the first of the Vietnamese boat people come into the Philippines shortly afterwards. We should’ve won that damned war and not let what happened to S. Vietnam and Cambodia to ever have happened after the commies took over.

  6. while we’re talking about our draft status during our High School years, got one of my own. graduated in ’70. draft lottery started in ’69 (I think … maybe ’68). anyway, got my IA draft card & my # comes up in ’70 & it was #360 (no kidding), so I went on w/ my life, took my SAT’s, entered UofMD. got a summer job as an Electrician’s helper & said ‘eff college & go into the Local 26 Apprenticeship Program, get married & discovered that my lottery draft # didn’t count until I was 19 … in ‘1971. WTF? so, guess what # I draw in ’71? …. no shit! …. #4!!!!

    so, I’m thinking should I enlist now in some ‘safe’ armed forces? … or chance it? … it’s obvious I’m going! … decide to roll the dice & let them claim me if they want me. get called for my induction physical up in Baltimore & …. never heard a thing!

    a year later get a revised draft card … now I’m IIA … apprenticeship deferment …. WHAT???

    wife’s happy, but in a way, I feel wrong … God works in mysterious ways


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