DATA: Report Shows EVERY Midnight Ballot Dump Boosted Biden – IOTW Report

DATA: Report Shows EVERY Midnight Ballot Dump Boosted Biden

National Pulse:

A new report from a number of reputable, PhD statisticians analyzes the suspicious floods of ballots trickling in following the November 3rd election, concluding all were in favor of Joe Biden.

The report analyzes “vote dumps” – a “25,000+ vote differential between Presidential candidates, received/recorded at one time.”

“The conclusion is that all we were able to find were net Biden Dumps,” the report summary notes.

Analysis extends to states both won and lost by President Trump, including Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Kentucky, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, New Jersey, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Wisconsin.

Several states experienced more than one vote dump, but all netted in favor of Biden. more

17 Comments on DATA: Report Shows EVERY Midnight Ballot Dump Boosted Biden

  1. Really???

    Pffft…We’re ahead of this revelation. By a month. If Trump is not to remain in office then all this corruption disappears and Hunter Biden can continue to smock crack with his underaged cousin who he has sex with.

  2. OK I gotta say something, and it’s off topic:

    For those of you whose comments are disappearing because of the word “socialism”, know that we did NOT ban that word.
    If it is banned, it ain’t done by us. So just type the word with a space or a period in it til I can figure this shit out.

  3. How long have they been doing this? Is the blueing of America a lie? Can we ever know? It is, apparently, treasonous to question the validity of our obviously free and fair elections.


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