Data suggest Florida’s record-breaking coronavirus days may have been inflated by as much as 30% – IOTW Report

Data suggest Florida’s record-breaking coronavirus days may have been inflated by as much as 30%

The state appears to be posting backlogged cases as if they occurred on the days in question.

Just The News: Florida health officials appear to have inflated recent record coronavirus case numbers there by as much as 30%, according to an analysis of data released by the state’s Department of Health. 

U.S. health officials have been warning for several weeks that COVID-19 case trends in Florida are pointing to a possible looming catastrophe as the state records ever-increasing numbers of the disease. After several months of flat infection rates, positive case results in Florida began rising slowly in mid-June before beginning a steep climb near the end of the month. 

Deaths in the state have remained largely flat over that time period, leaving experts struggling to explain why surging case rates have not resulted in an uptick in mortality. One possibility, according to data provided by the state itself, is that the new case numbers regularly posted by Florida health officials have been significantly inflated in recent weeks.  more here

h/t systematically

10 Comments on Data suggest Florida’s record-breaking coronavirus days may have been inflated by as much as 30%

  1. To paraphrase Orwell – ‘It was a political disease’. This entire scaredemic has been largely a fraud with inflated numbers and false narratives. Hopefully, many of the fraudsters will pay a price but I’m not holding my breath.

  2. Struggling to understand……..FUUUUUCK !………..

    It may not be exactly the same style virus as the flu, but it behaves the same.
    Most of us will get it, and 99.5% will survive.
    What we may not survive is the virus of communism that’s taken hold in this country, enabled by a corrupt government, a complicient media complex, and a complacent electorate.

  3. Having spent a large chunk of my career working with time-series data for large and complex systems, and (ahem) getting pretty good at it, all I can say about the Florida Wuhan Plague data reporting, and the disagreement between multiple govt information sources about what it means, is that they have fucked the dog by letting the cat out of the bag. Excuse the obscene mixed metaphor please.

    It’s far easier to believe that this is a deliberate data munge (that’s the technical term) than that the designers and analysts are so incompetent that they did this by mistake.


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